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Zelensky in Davos: “Putin will not be satisfied with a frozen war”

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Zelensky in Davos: “Putin will not be satisfied with a frozen war”

The Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky made his first in-person appearance at the World Economic Forum, the annual gathering of global elites in Davos, as he seeks to support his country in its nearly two-year conflict with Russia. The Ukrainian President will share the spotlight with the Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiangthe highest-ranking Beijing official to attend the World Economic Forum since 2017.

Zelensky asks not to forget Ukraine

Greeted by a standing ovation as he entered a closed-door “CEO for Ukraine” meeting that included executives from Bank of America, Siemens Energy and other leading companies, Zelensky had already addressed the WEF via video link in the previous editions of the annual meeting of VIPs from world politics and economics. This year, however, Kiev is trying to ensure that the support from allies will not falter during Europe’s biggest war since World War II, as the world‘s attention has shifted to the Middle East amid fears of a spillover from the conflict in Gaza.

Republicans in the US Congress are blocking the renewal of US military assistance to Ukraine, and Kiev and its allies fear a reduction in support whether Donald Trump wins the US presidential election later this year. US envoy for Ukraine’s economic recovery Penny Pritzker, said the country was facing a “difficult time” and acknowledged “a lot of uncertainty regarding US and EU assistance.” “I want to reassure the Ukrainian people that the American people and America stand with you, even though our politics and our democracies can be very complicated,” she said.

As regards theEuropean Unionthe leaders of member countries will hold talks in February in a bid to approve a 50 billion euro aid package for Ukraine that Hungary vetoed in December.

In his speech in Davos, the Ukrainian president said that the war will end when Putin’s regime ends, underlining that regimes like his exist as long as they wage wars. He also raised the issue of the defense of Ukraine and asked whether European nations are ready to send men and women to defend another state or nation. “Putin embodies war,” the Ukrainian president at the beginning of his speech. “We all know that it is the only reason why wars and conflicts persist and why all attempts to restore peace have failed.”

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“If anyone thinks that this concerns only us, only Ukraine, they are very wrong,” the president continued. “The possible directions and even timing of Russian aggression beyond Ukraine become increasingly clear.” “And if we have to fight against Putin together in the coming years, isn’t it better to put an end to him and his war strategy now, while our brave men and women are already doing it? They are the world‘s opportunity.”

“Putin must repent. We need him to lose. We must finally dispel the idea that global unity is weaker than the hatred of one man. And we can do it,” he said Zelensky. “This year must be decisive. Could freezing the war in Ukraine be its end? I don’t want to settle for the obvious that every frozen conflict will eventually reignite. And I remind you that after 2014 there were attempts to freeze the war in Donbass. There were very influential GRS, among others, the then Chancellor of Germany and the President of France.” “But Putin is a predator who will not settle for one frozen warbut to win we need to strengthen air defense, especially at long range, to achieve the superiority already achieved in the waters of the Black Sea”.

“We need you in Ukraine to build, rebuild, restore,” Zelensky added. “I invite all leaders and countries that respect peace and international law to join us. Together, we can answer any crucial question, and it will be the best answer. Peace must be the answer.”

Li Qiang and the presidential elections in Taiwan

At the World Economic Forum there is also great anticipation for the special speech by Li Qiangjust days before the weekend’s tense presidential elections in Taiwan, the democratic island that Beijing claims as part of China. After the president-elect of Taiwan, Lai Ching-tewelcomed an American delegation following its election victory, China responded that it was “strongly opposed” to all official exchanges between the United States and Taiwan.

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Li will be joined by Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao, the governor of the People’s Bank of China and senior representatives of other ministries, including the vice foreign minister Ma Zhaoxu. During the day he will have talks with the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyenbut it is not yet clear whether he or the deputy foreign minister will meet with the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken.

All WEF participants

Li and Zelensky will be among them 60 heads of state and government present in Davos, including the leaders of the Middle East, who will be added 800 company executives out of a total of 2,800 participants. They will also speak on the same day von der Leyen and the head of NATO Jens Stoltenberg. Von der Leyen will also have private talks with Zelensky, Blinken and the Hungarian president Katalin Novak.

Politicians and business leaders will discuss how to build consensus on a multitude of global risks, including climate change and the crisis of cost of living. Participants will also discuss how to maintain the global trade after attacks by Yemeni rebels in the Red Sea cut off the key Asia-Europe maritime transport conduit.

A focus on artificial intelligence

Me too’artificial intelligence will dominate discussions after last year’s flurry of examples that demonstrated the dizzying progress of this technology. Despite the enthusiasm, in fact, the threats posed by AI cause concern. AI-driven disinformation ahead of elections in some countries, including the United States, represents one of the key global risks this year and next, the WEF said.

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The director general of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgievastated that AI will affect 60% of jobs in advanced economies.

A series of discussions will be held in Davos, at formal and informal events, with some of the biggest names in technology, including Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and Sam Altman of OpenAI.

by Raziye Akkoc and Laurent Thomet
© Agence France-Presse

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