Home » A girl drowned in Cabalango and there are already 16 victims this season

A girl drowned in Cabalango and there are already 16 victims this season

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A girl drowned in Cabalango and there are already 16 victims this season

A 12-year-old girl drowned this afternoon near the Cabalango ford and there are now 16 fatalities in the summer season in the mountains of Córdoba.

According to police personnel, the victim was assisted around 5 p.m. on the beach by a professional who performed resuscitation maneuvers to try to stabilize her but after an hour she received no positive responses.

The victim, a native of the city of Córdoba, was with her parents and a brother in the river in the town of Punilla. Justice is investigating the causes surrounding the tragedy. One version states that the girl was in the care of her brother when he drowned in the “Los Piletones” sector.

Apparently a police officer who was in the area saw the situation and alerted some tourists who identified themselves as health professionals and collaborated in the resuscitation tasks. Tanti firefighters and Duar personnel also intervened.

Again a death by drowning in Córdoba. (Illustrative Image).

The mountain town does not have its own lifeguard force, so the area is under the jurisdiction of local civil defense.

According to published data, in the last two months 16 people drowned in pools or rivers in Córdoba. According to the survey, this case would be the first of the season of a minor in a natural water body. The other deaths occurred in swimming pools.

16 victims in the season

On January 8, a 2-year-old boy lost his life after falling into the pool at his home. The incident occurred in a home located in the 9 de Julio neighborhood. The minor was quickly transferred to the Cura Brochero Prompt Care Hospital where his death was confirmed.

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On December 28, Lorenzo Pereyra fell into the water under circumstances that are being investigated in a house in Cruz del Eje and was transferred to the Aurelio Crespo hospital. Due to his seriousness, they referred him to the Private Hospital of the Capital, where he died.

On December 30, the death of Abigail Aybar was confirmed, after five days hospitalized in a very serious condition at the Pasteur hospital in Villa María. The 13-year-old girl had vanished in a pool in Hernando on December 25.

In Mina Clavero there were several deaths due to drowning. On December 30, in the Nido del Águila natural spa, a 35-year-old tourist, originally from Avellaneda, province of Buenos Aires, lost his life. The man went for a walk around the river and, when he did not return, his wife notified the authorities. After checking the area, the firefighters found him at the bottom of the river, six meters deep, and extracted his lifeless body.

The day before, a 34-year-old tourist, originally from Zárate (Buenos Aires), was with his family and drowned trying to rescue a flipper that had fallen into the water at the Los Elefantes spa.

Civil Defense, Firefighters and the Duar participated in the operation in Cabalango.

On December 25, a boat spotted a body floating on one of the banks of the Los Molinos dam. A 28-year-old young man, who was originally from the Villa El Libertador neighborhood, had gone fishing and fell into the lake. His relatives had been looking for him for two days.

Another young man also lost his life when his kayak overturned and he drowned in Lake San Roque. The event occurred on December 21 near the Brigadier Juan Bautista Bustos monument, in the Costa Azul area. Villa Carlos Paz’s neighbor was with his family when the canoe overturned and he was trapped in it. They tried to revive him for 20 minutes, but he died.

On December 17, the water claimed two victims. The brothers Ramón and Silvio Wagner, 26 and 19 years old, respectively, from Bovril (Entre Ríos), died in the Posta del Remanso spa in Nono due to causes that are being investigated.

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Also in a holiday colony, another drowning death occurred. On December 13, a 7-year-old boy died in Las Higueras, in the south of the province, when he was bathing on the cooperative property. He received first aid maneuvers, then he was transferred to the local dispensary and a few hours later he was transferred to the San Antonio de Padua Hospital in Río Cuarto, where his death was confirmed.

tragic weeks

In November there were also more deaths. On the 25th, a 43-year-old bather lost his life in Boca del Río, Las Tapias jurisdiction. The man had entered the reflecting pool but could not get out on his own, so he was rescued by passers-by at the scene, in a state of unconsciousness and without vital signs. An ambulance took him to the Villa Dolores hospital, where minutes later they confirmed his death.

On November 15, a person died in a river in Mina Clavero. The victim, a 25-year-old tourist from the city of Buenos Aires, was submerged in the waters of the La Toma spa after jumping into the river to help his partner, who had accidentally slipped and fallen into the water.

The day before, tragedy struck Yacanto when two girls, ages 1 and 4, died in a pool in a cabin complex. According to preliminary data from the ongoing investigation, they were playing in the yard of their residence with their parents when they accidentally strayed onto the adjacent property and presumably fell into the pool.

Finally, on November 11, a 2-year-old boy drowned in the Suquía River, in the town of Saldán. The boy was found unconscious in the riverbed after his parents noticed that he was not in the yard of the house.

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The child was transferred “without vital signs” to the Enfermera Blanca Verón hospital in Saldán, where doctors performed resuscitation tasks and then confirmed his death due to drowning.

The deaths reported by the authorities did not occur in flood or storm situations.

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