Home » A trip in remis, her cell phone found years later and no firm clue: the disappearance of Norma Carrizo

A trip in remis, her cell phone found years later and no firm clue: the disappearance of Norma Carrizo

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A trip in remis, her cell phone found years later and no firm clue: the disappearance of Norma Carrizo

A woman wakes up in her house Commodore Rivadavia, Chubut province, like any other day. Ask for a car at the local remiser, like any other day. He leaves his house, sends a message to her daughter and tells her that she is going to come back late – like any other day – because she has things to do. He “I’ll be back late” it stretches hours, then months, years. The woman who did not return is Norma Esther Carrizo, 58, who disappeared on December 22, 2017 and, to this day, there is no news about his case.

That Friday morning in December, two days before Christmas, Carrizo called from the landline of his home in the Pueyrredón neighborhood and asked for a remís. According to the telephone records that were investigated, it was 10:50. The trip was destined for an address in the nearby town of Rada Tilly, located approximately 15 kilometers from the center of Comodoro Rivadavia. By car, it is a journey that takes between 15 and 20 minutes.

Norma Carrizo was 52 years old when she disappeared in Comorodoro Rivadavia.

The driver couldn’t find the address, and Norma decided to get off at Avenida Moyano. She had no wallet, no identity document, no cards. The driver said that when she paid him, he saw that she took the money out of her pocket. That money and her cell phone seemed to be the only belongings he had with her, perhaps to meet something or someone that is still unknown. The rest of his things were left in his house.

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On December 22, 2017, Norma traveled in a remittance from Comodoro to Rada Tilly, where she was last seen.

The case of Norma Carrizo: a trip in remis, the hypothesis that she was deceived and clues without certainty

Merchant, entrepreneur, familiar treatment, in constant movement. This is how her daughter describes her when she talks about her, when she explains why she believes that her mother may have gone to that place because of some proposal, attracted by a job or a project: she was always looking for opportunities.

“For me the most accurate hypothesis is that someone has cited it. She was a merchant all her life and many people know her. And we don’t know these people, who are clients, from her surroundings. Maybe someone quoted her, or she was tricked. She is very confident, she gets along with everyone. I think it could be something like that, ”says her daughter, Macarena Jara, in dialogue with PROFILE.

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The journey made by Norma Carrizo, then 52 years old, and her descent from the remis was verified by the GPS that the vehicle had and by a small section that was obtained from a Rada Tilly security camera, which recorded her from behind. walking down the block of the avenue where he decided to get off.

But from there, everything is uncertainty. They do not know where she went, if anyone was waiting for her, or what she did after the brief search that locates her there. In Rada Tilly, moreover, they have no friends, family, or close people whom Norma could have gone to visit.

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Norma is a merchant and used to have different businesses.

It is only known that almost an hour later, around noon, he sent a message to Macarena and told her that he had things to do. None of this generated an alert because it was something common due to her work or her undertakings. “I have to do, I’ll be back late”he wrote in the chat he had with his daughter on WhatsApp.

His last connection to the application was at 5:00 p.m. that same Friday, but it could not be verified from which location that record came. Everything indicates that when Macarena responded to the message – just after receiving it – she did not get to see him. “I answered her right away that day and she didn’t answer me, she never saw the message. The blue accents don’t come out ”, says her daughter.

Accustomed to working in commerce and because of the proximity to Christmas, Norma had taken a job at a friend’s toy store, where she was paid by the hour and had flexibility with the days and hours. On Wednesday, December 20, two days before she disappeared, she had warned that she was not going to work the next day because she was tired.

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Security camera image: the last day that Norma Carrizo went to work at the toy store.

On Friday, Macarena thought when she received the message from her mother, she already felt better and had returned to that routine. When the hours passed and she did not return, she consulted a cousin who also worked in the place for the season: He told her that they had not seen her that day.

Shortly after, Carrizo’s daughter would verify that they had not had a trace of him for hours. “At that moment – ​​he recalls – we filed a police report because neither her friends, nor her brothers, no one around her had seen her.” The complaint was made at the Comodoro Rivadavia third police station.

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While the inhabitants of that city – and of Argentina, and of the world – finalized the preparations for the first of the end-of-year festivities and divided tasks to make last-minute purchases, Norma’s family spent the days looking for her. On December 24, they toured various points and went to the bus terminal, hoping to meet her. Until then everything seemed reversible.

The case was in charge of the Comodoro Rivadavia Public Prosecutor’s Office. To find her whereabouts, two searches were carried out: the first was a week after her disappearance, in the area of ​​Avenida Moyano in Rada Tilly, where she was last seen, and the second was carried out a month later at various points in the Villa Balnearia Rada Tilly, in the area of ​​the Punta del Marqués reserve.

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There has been no news of Norma Carrizo for more than 5 years, nor a firm hypothesis of what happened to her.

The latter was due to the hypothesis of a suicide: that Norma had gone to the water to take her own life. This was ruled out, says Macarena, after searching with dogs, motorcycles and an airplane in the coastal area and finding no indication, neither a letter or a farewell, something that the case investigator argued usually appears in those situations.

The Ministry of Security of the Nation ordered a reward of 500,000 pesos for anyone who can provide accurate information that leads to the whereabouts of Norma Carrizo, which is still valid.

Meanwhile, time continued to pass. The search extended to Caleta Olivia, and there were clues in Trelew, Río Gallegos, Mendoza, Misiones, Buenos Aires, and even in the city of Coyhaique, Chile.. In most cases, by looking at the evidence of someone who claimed to have seen Norma, it was corroborated that she was another similar person; in others it was not possible to advance beyond that testimony due to the lack of clues to follow.

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He went for a run and “just disappeared”: a security camera image and a mystery that has been going on for 7 years

An investigation paralyzed: the mystery of Norma Carrizo’s cell phone, found in La Plata two years later

On January 14, 2020, two years after their search began, the authorities confirmed that they had found Norma Carrizo’s cell phone. The apparatus was in Morea pub with an address in Villa Elisa, La Plata, in the province of Buenos Aires.

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Hugo Moraleshead of the Chubut Police People Search brigade, reported at that time that after several raids to find the team, they finally reached a man who worked as security at the scene, who, when questioned, said he had found him. He found it in an armchair at the nightclub and decided to use it.

Despite the expectations generated by this finding, there was no information of interest for the investigation into the disappearance of Carrizo. “When they recover the cell phone there is nothing from Norma, it is as if it had been reset”Macarena explains.

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Norma Carrizo 20230405

Morales said that they were trying to establish how that cell phone got to La Plata, but he clarified that this was no indication that Norma had been there.

“That was left there, in suspense. I insisted a lot with the media to see if anyone was encouraged to contribute something, ”adds Norma’s daughter. It is that this last clue without continuity was followed by more than three years without news in the cause. Macarena asked that more searches be carried out to search for her, with or without life, but she did not move in that direction: “So you stay like that with that anguish, with uncertainty.”

The bangs over the brown eyes, the hair sometimes a little lighter, sometimes darker, but always straight and the same length. Norma Carrizo’s look is still there, in each of the photos that her daughter Macarena published, over and over again, in recent years on the page We are looking for Norma Carrizoto which he dedicated himself for as long as possible, and more, to spread what is known about his disappearance.

“For me it was always like I was going to come back, a lie that I made up,” he says. Only now is the token falling on me that she disappeared and I’m trying to assume it. She also tells that there is not a single day that she does not wonder how she is, where, if she is hungry, if she is cold: “The pain is there, it persists.”

For those who can provide information about their whereabouts, they can report anonymously to 134 or fill out a form at this link.

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