Home » Agricultural dollar: the Government formalized the exchange measures

Agricultural dollar: the Government formalized the exchange measures

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Agricultural dollar: the Government formalized the exchange measures

Writing Profile Córdoba

Hoy 09:28

The Government made official this Monday some of the new exchange measures that include the rise of the savings dollar, a new tax on imports and the improvement of the exchange rate for regional economies.

The dollar for agriculture rises 26 percent, and thus reaches 340 pesos. All the measures are intended to increase collection and stop the bleeding of reserves.

Decree 377

The regulations published this Monday in the Official Gazette indicate in its recitals “que el EThe national state establishes national policies related to the production of agricultural raw materials, their industrialization, transport and commercialization, at the same time that it establishes foreign exchange and commercial policies aimed at increasing exports, always respecting the public interest, to ensure the supply of the internal market and strengthen reserves..

Article 1 establishes that regional economies may liquidate exports at a differential exchange rate of 340 pesos per dollar up to and including August 31. Soybeans are excluded from this exchange rate.

Regarding the rise in the saving dollar and the new tax on imports, be regulated by a resolution of the Afipwhich has not yet been published.

As published Profile the dollar savings it would cost $452 the same as the dollar card. The rest of the exchange measures would be made official in the next few hours.

The measures are known a day after the IMF announced a principle of agreement with Argentina.

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