Home » BastiBasti – Spiral Tapes I – EP Review

BastiBasti – Spiral Tapes I – EP Review

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BastiBasti – Spiral Tapes I – EP Review

BastiBasti – Spiral Tapes I
Origin: Germany
Release: 28.09.2023
Label: Easthaven Records
Duration: 16:47
Genre: Metalcore / Rap / Electro / Pop

Photo Credit: Oliver Freuwörth

If you’ve been in the music business for a few years as an artist, after a while you often feel the need to try out other genres. Quite a few choose the path of a solo project.

So too Bastian Sobtzick alias Enough Enoughwho is the singer of the metalcore band Callejon already became famous. But who on the debut EP Spiral Tapes I his solo project Enough Enough If you expect Metalcore, you will quickly be surprised, because the listener can expect a creative mix.

Because after just a few seconds of the opening track We are the endthat you each other HERE If you listen to it, it quickly becomes clear that although there are rap elements like in metalcore, they are processed and conveyed musically in a different way. Musically accompanied by modern beats, sings Enough Enough intensely from the end of the world. The whole thing embodies a vibe that lies somewhere between cloud rap and oomph.

Also Bodyhorror remains similarly emotional. This is where it shows above all Sobtzicks Talent as a producer. The musical background is not as monotonous as is often the case in modern rap, but rather creative and varied. Lyrically, the EP remains true to itself throughout, as there is also a sad vibe here, which ultimately ends up in Broken reaches its climax.

BastiBasti delivers the complete package

Towards the end of the album, more metalcore elements flow into the songs. On Rosa Benzin Screams and rap parts alternate, which makes the song stand out from the rest. This interplay then increases in the last song Videokillwhich offers a lot of ups and downs in terms of mood and stands out from the EP and forms the big climax.

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Sobtzickthe one with Callejon has already placed seven albums in the top 10 of the charts, but has for Enough Enough Not only contributed the music, but also produced the artwork and video clips. And he didn’t skimp on it: Basti gave us a visual version of four of the five songs. Here you can find the term Solo project So take it literally: This man does everything by himself!

Enough Enough comes to life Spiral Tapes I expresses his entire artistic streak and shows the listener his great musical and creative talent. The last two songs in particular round off an overall very diverse and entertaining EP with a good mix of core and rap. 8 / 10

Line Up

01. We are the end
02. Bodyhorror
03. Broken
04. Rosa Benzin
05.Video Kill

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