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Ceferino Reato: “Milei has to understand that he is president and not secretary of Finance”

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Ceferino Reato: “Milei has to understand that he is president and not secretary of Finance”

Ceferino Crime He targeted Judge Ariel Lijo and criticized his delay in summoning Roberto Perdía and other former Montonero leaders to testify in the case of the murder of José Ignacio Rucci. Furthermore, he pointed out that it is possible that Javier Milei’s proposal for judges for the Court will be successful, but maintained that it is unlikely, given the opposition of the other members of the Court and the lack of support in the Senate. “Milei lacks play in a lot of things, it barely transcends the economic issue,” he said in Modo Fontevecchiaby Net TV, Radio Perfil (AM 1190) and Radio Amadeus (FM 91.1).

Ceferino Reato is a journalist, political scientist and writer. He serves as executive editor of Fortuna Magazine, as a columnist for Perfil and also as a panelist on the reality show “Big Brother.” His time as a panelist on Intratables was very important. Among the books he has published are “Operación Traviata” and “Final Disposition”, the latter written from 20 hours of interviews with the former General and dictator, who was imprisoned and convicted of multiple crimes against humanity, Jorge Rafael. Videla, between October 2011 and March 2012. Reato was also awarded the Legion Book Award, awarded by the Uruguayan Book Chamber.

This Wednesday, Ceferino Reato published a column in Perfil about the cover-up role of Judge Ariel Lijo in the case against the Montonero leader, Roberto Perdía, accused of murdering the union leader José Ignacio Rucci. In his column, he pointed out the contradictions that it represents for a government whose vice president is a self-appointed defender of the victims of terrorism, to promote Judge Lijo who, according to the note, “let the case against Perdía, who coincidentally died yesterday, sleep in a drawer.” at 84 years old.”

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I wanted to focus on the case of the murder of José Ignacio Rucci and the case of the leader Roberto Perdía, who, as you put in your column, was not bothered in the slightest by justice until the day of his death.

Just yesterday Perdía died, the elevation of the Government proposal of Judge Lijo to join the Supreme Court of Justice, proposed by President Milei to the Senate, as appropriate.

In the case for the murder of union leader José Ignacio Rucci there were witnesses who mentioned Firmenich and Perdía, who were the two heads of Montoneros. Even Rucci’s daughter, Claudia Rucci, asked Judge Lijo several times to summon Perdía, Firmenich and other former Montonero leaders mentioned by these witnesses to testify, but Lijo did what judges of the caste usually do, which is delay the file, put him to sleep, because according to what one of his collaborators told me, if they summoned Perdía and Firmenich, they would probably have to prosecute them and perhaps detain him, at least for a few hours, and that is not what Lijo wanted, because it was a cause sensitive in times of Kirchnerism. Kirchnerism considered itself the heir of the militant generation of the 70s, and that was going to alter the political system of Kirchnerism a little.

I think Lijo is a representative of the judicial caste, and I don’t think so, everyone says it. Since President Milei speaks so much against caste, I found it interesting to highlight that contradiction, as Roberto Carlos says, and also the fact that Milei, but especially Victoria Villarruel, his vice president, is a well-known activist against the guerrillas.

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Another fact, Claudia Rucci today is director of the Senate Human Rights Observatory, appointed by Villarruel, what is happening with the Government on this issue is a very singular contradiction.

Lijo, the judge of the caste that benefited Perdía in the Rucci Cause

What do you attribute it to?

I mark it by saying that there is a lot of improvisation. Javier Milei comes to the presidency after two and a half years of militancy, the product of a crack in the political system that affects all traditional formations, he emerges as a result of this political crisis and does so by surprise.

It is a Government with many improvisations, who has not yet filled key positions in the high leadership of the National State, and who when it comes to getting involved in issues that he does not know, such as the judicial issue, he trusts in baquianos such as the minister of justice, Cúneo Libarona and Lorenzetti, another member very important of the Court. Of course, they are the members of the caste which Milei himself says he is fighting, at least at the judicial level.

There is no more caste than Ariel Lijo, all the media say it, it’s not that I say it. So, it’s one contradiction after another, especially when you get into things you don’t know about and trust these people, they are baquianos with their own interests. There’s a certain disinterest of the President on all topics that have nothing to do with the economy.

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Do you think it is a gesture knowing that he is not going to get two-thirds of the Senate to approve it or do you think he really believes that he has a chance of getting it approved?

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I don’t know how to rate it because It’s such an unusual move.. Note that they are already retiring Judge Maqueda, but Maqueda still has nine months left before turning 75, and nine months is a lot in a context like the current one.

It is also to favor Lorenzetti, a very important judge, but one among four. The other three are against this nomination. So, in these nine months, it is presumed that if they do not get this Lijo application approved quickly, and that is difficult, They also oppose the majority almost automatic of the Court.

It seems to me that it is an area, the judicial field, like so many others, where Milei doesn’t handle herself well and trusts others too much.

Milei lacks, I’m sure, a more complete game. He is president of the Nation, he is not Minister of Economy or Secretary of Finance. It lacks that game that is exhibited, not only in the judicial field, lacks play in foreign policy, for example, lacks game in a lot of things, it is evident. It barely transcends the economic issue.


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