Home » Córdoba does not rule out using a quasi-currency if Milei does not launch the productive circuits

Córdoba does not rule out using a quasi-currency if Milei does not launch the productive circuits

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Córdoba does not rule out using a quasi-currency if Milei does not launch the productive circuits

The maelstrom of Javier Milei’s first month turns each district into a sounding board where anxiety dominates the movements of the rulers. The discussions over the DNU and the Omnibus law take longer than necessary and the demands of the opponents and the pressures of the ruling party multiply as the hours go by.

From Córdoba the governor Martin Llaryora He repeats ad nauseam a slogan that seems to have burned into the hearts of the pro-government legislators: they will not vote in favor of increasing withholdings. This chapter does not allow any type of negotiation and according to some national deputies consulted “everything is going well but this will be defined when it is written, before it would be amateurish to trust something that – for the moment – is only a promise.”

In the midst of the tug-of-war with cross disqualifications that are sometimes quite bizarre, a governor introduced a new topic that deepened the concern of his colleagues. Is about the decision of the head of the Executive of La Rioja, Ricardo Quintela, to put into operation a quasi-currency given the significant financial difficulties that this northern district is going through.

Nicknamed ‘The Gypsy’ by his peers, Quintela managed to get the Legislature of his province to approve a law that allows him to put this controversial instrument into operation which has already been criticized by a good number of specialists. Fundamentally, it is blamed for the fact that it is not accepted to pay national taxes or a credit card and that its real value falls abruptly with respect to its nominal price, which makes its holder practically a victim of that instrument.

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Quintela decided on these bonuses due to the intransigence of the national government to send him funds to pay the salaries of the police, a mass of money that is approximately 22,000 million pesos.

Claudio Zuchovicki on the quasi-currency of La Rioja: “it exposes the trust and quality in each governor, it is a double-edged sword”

The figure is not impossible, which is why some legislators and analysts consider that the Rioja governor launched a mechanism of strong political pressure to achieve the sending of these funds. “There is no money,” President Javier Milei repeated once again, with the face and voice of a B-movie actor.

The reality of Cordoba. What is the reality of our province or, better, the thoughts of Governor Llaryora? Far from thinking of a strong rejection of this controversial solution, highly qualified sources from the new provincial power indicate that “If there are no changes, there will be no other choice but to apply such a solution.”

The spokespersons argue that “If the national government does not launch productive circuits, it will be impossible for the provinces to sustain themselves if there is no financial aid.” since they will lack funds to meet their current obligations.”

In that sense, they specify that the La Rioja is not an isolated case or anything like it. Rather, that district would be a kind of anticipated face of the crisis that envelops the entire country, leaving evidence that it is a neglected region, without much capacity to seek its own answers and with a strong dependence on the national administration.

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Behind Quinquela, similar problems will appear in the short term in Chubut, Santa Cruz, Catamarca, Jujuy and Tucumánaccording to the forecast of Llaryora’s traveling companion.

The governor of Córdoba considers that it is more than essential to launch the productive circuits and in their surroundings they judge that Milei doesn’t do much to get them going. When the source was consulted about what the situation is like in our province, he answered without hesitation: “We have more support than most provinces, but in a few months we will run out of rest and we will have to resort to quasi-currencies if there is no other type of response.” or another ingenious way out that allows us all to get out of the hole.”

The informant recalled that Buenos Aires and Santa Fe, in addition to Córdoba, are the most important provinces in the country, especially at a productive level, although each one has its particularities and specific difficulties. “How we are and faced with the intransigence of the central power on many issues related to development, we cannot function.”

Here, obviously, the same question that can be asked of the bet made by Quintela from Riojan fits: Is it a situation of helplessness or does that helplessness lead to strong political pressure on the Casa Rosada?

It is possible that at a certain point in the analysis everything gets mixed up, making the situation denser and making it more difficult to find answers to the problems raised. For now, Milei continues to move forward like a storm with her projects. Although some decreases are observed in the acceptance of the proposals, according to some surveys, the level of adhesion is high, especially in what has to do with the so-called Omnibus law.

If Quintela stands up and does not give in, some national legislators imagined that Milei could move forward with federal intervention, although it is assumed that it will be almost an impossible mission for him to obtain parliamentary agreement, especially from the Senate. Furthermore, in the hypothetical case that this could be achieved, the designated federal delegate will have to have immediate resources to organize the management, which would result in the sending of funds that – for now – the Milei administration does not want and will not send. , as the president and his government team repeat every time they are consulted.

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The cross-pressing game will end at some point and move on to the next stage. Moving forward is not necessarily synonymous with solving.

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