Home » Cristina Kirchner will lead an act in La Plata after the decision of Alberto Fernández

Cristina Kirchner will lead an act in La Plata after the decision of Alberto Fernández

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Cristina Kirchner will lead an act in La Plata after the decision of Alberto Fernández

the vice president Cristina Kirchner will lead an act in the city of La Plata next Thursday, April 27, on the 20th anniversary of the election that consecrated Néstor Kirchner as president. There is expectation about what he is going to say about Alberto Fernández and his decision not to run for re-election.

The event was confirmed this afternoon when, in the act of the Buenos Aires PJ in the Ferro microstadium, the national deputy and benchmark of La Cámpora, maximum kirchnerasked the militancy to “accompany” the vice president.

The activity, which will take place at the Teatro Argentino in the city of La Plata, will coincide with the 20th anniversary of the April 27, 2003 elections that consecrated Néstor Kirchner as head of state, since although Carlos Menem had imposed in the general election, he finally decided not to run for ballot.

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As the agency learned THAT According to party sources, the vice president will give a speech in front of the militancy, where she is expected to mention the Alberto Fernández’s decision not to seek re-electionsince so far he did not give too many details.

When closing the militant plenary of Buenos Aires Kirchnerism in the Ferro micro-stadium, the national deputy Máximo Kirchner called on the militancy to “redouble their efforts and continue accompanying” Cristina Kirchner.

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“I ask that this April 27th come to the Argentine Theater of La Plata to accompany Cristina. Let them give the present, be happy, come, generate, work, study, create, give everything because those of us who are here will also give everything,” the La Cámpora leader harangued.

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In this context, the son of the former president referred to a possible candidacy of the head of the Senate: “Since I can remember in this political space, the militants have always had the pen. The problem we have today is that the pens they want to write a name and the Judiciary takes out the name that those pens want to write for this election”.

“Let no one pass here alive,” shot Máximo Kirchner, to which the militants responded with a chant: “The ban, the ban, goes to the whore that gave birth to them.”

Maximum Kirchner. PHOTO: Telam

Finally, the national deputy highlighted: “Cristina was marking, not by Monday’s newspaper, but by the day’s newspaper, various things about the management and today I still curse that it has not been heard. Not by her, but by my people who it’s going bad.”

Meanwhile, the vice president asked this Friday “to continue working for the happiness of the people and the greatness of the Nation” in an audio that was released by the Minister of the Interior, Edward “Wado” Of Peterduring a meeting of the Justicialista Party of Santiago del Estero.

“To continue working for the happiness of the people and the greatness of the Nation as always,” said the head of the Senate in an audio that was reproduced by the Minister of the Interior from his cell phone in front of a microphone before militants and leaders of the PJ of Santiago del Estero.

In a brief summit, the PJ defined that the party Congress will be held on May 16 in Ferro

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The act of April 27 was also confirmed by the mayor of the Buenos Aires municipality of Ensenada, Mario Secco, who is a member of the so-called ‘Cove Table’ which organizes the plenary meetings of the Kirchnerist militancy, and promotes the presidential candidacy of the head of the Senate and promotes actions against “the ban”.

in dialogue with telam In the meeting of the Frente de Todos Buenos Aires, the mayor stated: “On the 27th there is a nice call with Cristina present in La Plata so that we can order“.

“After Cristina’s words, we will work for May 25 and we will see if we continue with the plenary meetings of the militancy in the provinces,” said the community chief and thus referred to another FdT meeting, scheduled for Saturday, May 13 in La Rioja.


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