Home » Flying on Route 151, marching in Cipolletti and Roca, and protesting in Viedma during the CGT strike

Flying on Route 151, marching in Cipolletti and Roca, and protesting in Viedma during the CGT strike

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Flying on Route 151, marching in Cipolletti and Roca, and protesting in Viedma during the CGT strike

A march was held this afternoon in Cipolletti in the context of the second general strike of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) against the government of Javier Miley in rejection of the Bases Law and the labor reform. In Roca, it will be in the afternoon. The measure of force this Thursday, May 9, has an impact on transportation, education, health, commerce and banking services throughout the country. In Cinco Saltos there was a mobilization towards Route 151, where a flyer is currently taking place. Also, the protest of the labor union has repercussions in Bariloche and Viedma.

The general secretary of the CGT, Héctor Daer, announced that it will be a “parazo” because the majority of the unions that make up the workers’ confederation adhere to the measure of force. The two CTAs and the universities also joined the strike.

The government is trying to get the Senate to give it this Thursday favorable opinion to the Bases Law in committee, to be debated in the chamber the following week. However, the opposition led by Unión por la Patria assures that it maintains a firm 33 votes of rejection, with which He would only be missing 4 votes to reach the 37 necessary to stop it.

CGT strike on May 9: march in Cipolletti

In Cipolletti, from the multisector they joined the general strike called by the CGT for this Thursday, May 9. The concentration began at 10.30 in the Plaza de San Martín and moments before 12, The march began through the center of the city. He ended up in the Judiciary where the fourth day of the trial for the femicide of Agustina Fernández takes place. There they stayed accompanying the family.

Unter also adheres to the general strike, “against the adjustment to public education, against the presidential DNU, against the blank check that the Bases Law represents, against layoffs and adjustments, in defense of retirements and in defense of the special teaching regime ».

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The municipal union ATE also joined the measure.

The march in Cipolletti culminated in front of the judicial headquarters, where the hearing for the femicide of Agustina Fernández is taking place. Photo: Florencia Salto.

CGT strike on May 9: march in Roca

In Roca, social organizations march through the streets of the city against the adjustment implemented by Javier Milei’s government. So, the PTS, the Left Front, Marabunta, Partido Obrero and MORE, gather on Avenida Roca and Tucumán streets.

They will also carry out an open microphone activity, where people They will be able to express their experiences at 4 pm and then they will mobilize. The organizations will mobilize “until the adjustment is defeated.”

Also at the same time the Association of Teachers of the National University of Comahue (Adunc) based in the city of Roca, together with organizations from the Multisectorial Alto Valle.

ATE, Asspur, Unter, Bancarios, CGT and CTA of Río Negro communicated their support for the measure of force but do not plan to mobilize in the city. They ratified that the strike is without attendance at the workplace and that The slogan is “empty the streets.”

CGT strike on May 9: flyer at the entrance to Cinco Saltos

In Cinco Saltos, the Unter teaching union joined the general strike called by the CGT at the national level. At 10 o’clock the rally began in the town’s Plaza San Martín and a few minutes later the mobilization began. At noon a flyer began in the Route 151 roundabout.

They will remain there doing a flyer until noon. The multisectoral Cinco Saltos, the CGT, Ctera, autonomous CTA and workers’ CTA are added to the measure.

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CGT strike on May 9: what is happening in Bariloche

In Río Negro, the unions Unter, ATE, UPCN, UTA, La Bancaria, Soyem, Asspur and Uthgra with representation in the town of Bariloche confirmed their adherence to the national strike and reported that They do not plan to carry out demonstrations in the city.

They assured that they will comply with the measure without attending the workplaces to express their rejection of the policies of Javier Milei’s government, against the Bases Law and the labor reform.

CGT strike on May 9 in Viedma: “I have to be measuring to eat”

The general strike of the CGT also has repercussions in Viedma. The unions grouped in the union center and in the two CTAs joined the measure of force against the government of Javier Milei. The protest does not include a rally in the city center.

A meeting was called popular pot with open radio in the Lavalle neighborhood, on 13th and 20th streets. It started around noon. It is organized by the Autonomous CTA. Hugo Aranea, general secretary of the CTA Viedma, told this medium that they are demonstrating “against such a totalitarian regime as proposed by the national government” and with a “handover of sovereignty.”

He mentioned that there is concern about the cut at both the national and provincial levels of supplies for dining rooms and picnic areas.

He pointed out that after the popular pot, they will hold an assembly “to agree on when they will meet again.”

One of those who gathered to the measure was a retiree. «I have to be measuring to eat and pay taxes», he expressed. He pointed out that “he has needs” and mentioned the excessive increase in medicines. He also said that the price of electricity “was outrageous to me.”

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