Home » Galilea Montijo Unveils Second Wax Figure at Guadalajara Wax Museum

Galilea Montijo Unveils Second Wax Figure at Guadalajara Wax Museum

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Galilea Montijo Unveils Second Wax Figure at Guadalajara Wax Museum

Galilea Montijo Unveils Second Wax Figure at Wax Museum in Guadalajara

Written in SHOWS on 5/13/2024 · 6:34 p.m.

Last weekend, popular TV host Galilea Montijo revealed her second wax statue at the Wax Museum in her hometown of Guadalajara. This new figure, made with Montijo’s exact measurements, is dressed in a creation by designer Benito Santos, which was showcased for the first time to the public and media last Saturday.

Expressing her gratitude, Montijo said, “Thank you to the Wax Museum for considering me, especially in a city as important and dear to me as Guadalajara, where my family is.” She also took to social media to thank the museum once again, expressing her honor at having a figure in her hometown and thanking designer Benito Santos for his dresses.

While Montijo seemed pleased with the wax statue, social media opinions were divided on its resemblance to the TV host. Some users noted that the figure bore a great likeness to Montijo, while others felt that the features were exaggerated and compared her to other celebrities like Jenni Rivera or Laura León.

This is not the first time that Montijo has had a wax figure created in her likeness. In December 2022, she unveiled her first wax statue at the museum in Mexico City, accompanied by her then-husband Fernando Reina and her son. The process of capturing her face and figure began in 2019 but was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It took eight months to update parts of the statue and detail the costumes.

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When asked about the process of creating a wax figure, Montijo described it as impressive, mentioning the discomfort of having straws in her face for hours and feeling claustrophobic. Despite the challenges, she sees it as a way to show gratitude to those who have supported her throughout her career.

It seems that Montijo’s wax figures continue to spark conversation and debate, with previous figures also receiving both positive and negative feedback. Despite the differing opinions, Montijo remains honored by the recognition and continues to share her gratitude with her fans.

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