Home » “If there is no unity there is no possibility of beating macrismo” POLITICS El Intransigente

“If there is no unity there is no possibility of beating macrismo” POLITICS El Intransigente

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“If there is no unity there is no possibility of beating macrismo” POLITICS El Intransigente

Gabriel Katopodis Tried to lower the temperature interna inside of the Front of All. The Minister of Public Works called for sanity and the cessation of the inmates within the official coalition. He asked that those who seek divisions and ponder the union. He asserted that if the differences are not settled, the opposition will win the elections.

The national official is close to Cristina KirchnerDespite this, he demanded unity in the Frente de Todos: «The people asked us to unite to get Mauricio Macri out and then they asked us to stay together to defend her.and that should be used for this election,” he said, according to the NA news agency.

The former mayor of San Martín was concrete when requesting a communion within the ruling force. He warned that, in case the coalition splits, it is very likely that in August and October Together for Change will be the winning alliance: «If there is no unity, there is no STEP, there is no understanding and there is no chance of beating macrismo“said Gabriel Katopodis.

“We put Peronism in a position to win if we reconnect with the problems that people have, if we explain more clearly that we must get through this breakwater taking care of work and the productive apparatus, also investing in public works and universities,” he added. the member of the national cabinet.

Gabriel Katopodis rejected that in the Frente de Todos there are leaders who are in charge of ranting against the same members of the coalition: «It is not possible for a colleague to speak ill of another colleague. We must look forward because despite the differences, Peronism has remained united and there is a responsibility of the President to have everything cohesive, “he said.

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