Home » Inflation set a new record and the opposition showed its criticism: They leave a country in ruins

Inflation set a new record and the opposition showed its criticism: They leave a country in ruins

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Inflation set a new record and the opposition showed its criticism: They leave a country in ruins

The inflation last april set a new record. According to the data expressed by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec), the cost of living increased by 8.4% and reached 108.8% year-on-year variation

President Alberto Fernandez he had previously launched an expression that did not go unnoticed by the opposition. It is that the president spoke of “psychological inflation.” This, added to the fact that the year-on-year percentage was the highest in the last 30 years, generated strong criticism from opposition actors.

Twitter was the medium chosen by most of the referents. Horacio Rodriguez Larreta He responded directly to Fernández and indicated that inflation “is real” and that it is felt “in the supermarket when you cannot buy everything you need or you have to choose another brand because the usual one is very expensive.”

“It sucks not being able to treat yourself or stop doing things despite working hard. We are going to change this”, wrote the head of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires.

The president of PRO, Patricia Bullrich, also came out to answer the President’s sayings. “’Psychological’ inflation for April was 8.4%. Psychologically you think you buy fewer products, but no! The president explains it to you: it is not your pocket, it is your unconscious that makes you believe that you are buying less”.

Meanwhile, the former president Mauricio Macri He chose not to write anything, although he did share a video with Alberto Fernández’s statements, criticizing his testimony.

Who came out with the tip caps was Gerardo Morales. The governor of Jujuy and presidential candidate of the Radical Civic Union (UCR) delivered an extensive message: “They came to save us from ‘hunger’ and they are plunging Argentine society into absolute poverty. This is the result of a government that was dedicated to palace fights instead of managing.”

“When they came to the government, they set up the ‘hunger table.’ What we did not know is that it was to condemn millions of Argentines to starvation with this crazy inflation. They are arrogant and clumsy. His irresponsibility leaves us a country in ruins”, questioned the Jujuy president.

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For his part, Javier Miley He did not write posts, although he did share a publication from his La Libertad Avanza party. “Monthly inflation: 8.4%. Annual inflation: 108.8%. Solution: Dollarize”, retweeted the economist.

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