Home » Maruja -The Invisible Man – HeavyPop.at

Maruja -The Invisible Man – HeavyPop.at

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Maruja -The Invisible Man – HeavyPop.at

by Oliver on March 18, 2024 in Single

With the new single The Invisible Man set Maruja their way (for now still outside of a collecting album context) through jazzy art punk in the post-apocalyptic prairie that lies behind the attributes of rock under the grace of Slant mystically extending, constantly continuing.

The Invisible Man is a story about mental health, with the lyrics shaped by personal experiences of dealing with loved ones struggling in the midst of the mental health epidemic. The track’s instrumentation manages to be both raw and uncompromising yet also melodic and mystical, a juxtaposition that runs throughout Maruja’s music, serving to aid the poetry in thrusting the listener into the cacophony of emotions that the lived events created.“ promises the package insert with a latent AI aftertaste.

This text hides the fact that drummer Jacob Hayes plays the same beat as he always feels (perhaps because it has never fit as well as it does with this number?), but also that the cuddly struggle of the aggregate states stands on its own (as opposed to a direct affiliation to One Hand Behind The Devil) does not produce overwhelming symptoms of fatigue, but rather one of the best expressions of the Maruja‘esque MO offers.

Through an ethereally shimmering ambience, which also retreats into hallucinogenic, hazy fields of transcendence, as well as the waiting, lurking, more subtlety in contrast with an immediately gripping frontality, forcing a luxuriant attitude – via an absolutely catchy, luxuriating saxophone motif, which always comes in different intensities returns again, as well as the dramatically evocatively chanted hook (“The truth, it hides!“) -, the tensions simmer until the relaxed climax connects the harmonious synergy: The Invisible Man swirls urgently pleadingly so directly compelling, but at the same time is framed by one of the gentle seductions of a dreaming ecstasy.
To be honest: more than an album, you’re looking forward to a tour by the band in these parts!

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The Invisible Man von Maruja

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