Home » Metal Detectorist Reunites Woman with Lost Necklace Containing Late Mother’s Rings

Metal Detectorist Reunites Woman with Lost Necklace Containing Late Mother’s Rings

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Metal Detectorist Reunites Woman with Lost Necklace Containing Late Mother’s Rings

Metal Detectorist Reunites Woman With Chain Linked to Late Mom’s Engagement, Wedding Rings

By Fanxing for The Epoch Times

Guernsey, October 11, 2023— In a heartwarming turn of events, a metal detection expert has successfully recovered a lost necklace for a young woman, preserving the memory of her late mother. The necklace held her mother’s precious engagement and wedding rings, making it an invaluable family heirloom.

Tessa Le Gallez, a 24-year-old office manager, experienced a moment of despair on August 20 when her necklace broke while swimming at Les Amarreurs Beach in Guernsey. The necklace held deep sentimental value for Tessa, as it connected her to her late mother.

“I used to wear my mom’s ring, but she warned me about the ring slipping off in cold weather, so I kept it on a strong necklace,” Tessa explained.

However, tragedy struck when her dog unexpectedly jumped on her while swimming, causing its paw to get tangled in the chain. The necklace, unable to bear the weight of the dog, broke, scattering the rings.

“I searched for a long time but couldn’t find it. I was scared and worried that I would never get those rings back again,” Tessa expressed. “They are very precious to me because they make me feel close to my mother.”

In a bid to recover the family heirloom, Tessa sought the assistance of local metal detector expert Matthew Kneebone, 50. With his vast experience in metal detection, Tessa had hope that she could be reunited with her cherished jewelry.

Kneebone assured her that the rings could be found with the rising tide. Two weeks later, on September 1, Tessa and Kneebone returned to Les Amarreurs Beach for their search. Within a remarkable span of just 10 minutes, Kneebone discovered the chain, and half an hour later, he successfully unfolded the entire collection of heirlooms.

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Overwhelmed with joy, Tessa exclaimed, “I’m over the moon. It’s great. These rings are very important and commemorative to me.”

Expressing her immense gratitude, she added, “I can never express my gratitude to him enough. He is the most selfless person I have ever met in my life, and people like him make the world a better place.”

Kneebone, who has been metal detecting since the age of 14, was deeply moved by the woman’s appreciation. “Tessa was so grateful and so excited. She ran up to me and gave me a big hug,” he shared.

The successful recovery of Tessa’s lost jewelry serves as a heartwarming reminder of the power of kindness and the impact it can have on someone’s life.

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