Home » Not just for the audience to find the murderer, what kind of suspense drama does “Jiang Zhao Liming” show?

Not just for the audience to find the murderer, what kind of suspense drama does “Jiang Zhao Liming” show?

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Not just for the audience to find the murderer, what kind of suspense drama does “Jiang Zhao Liming” show?

Author: Wei Zhong

The online score is 7.9, and as a Mango TV exclusive drama, the popularity on third-party monitoring platforms can remain above 6,000. The original script “Jiang Zhao Liming” has achieved good reputation and results after the Lunar New Year. How good is this show, maybe you can find the answer from the comment area of ​​the show: “The immersive experience of watching the show, the reversal and ending of each episode are very capable, which will subvert everyone’s previous plot speculation and extend the new depth of the plot. “I feel that my IQ is being rubbed” has been highly praised by netizens.

While burning the brain, the healing lines such as “even in the dark, think that this is the closest time to dawn” makes people feel “very warm”. As the screenwriter Cao Xiaotian once said: “In real marriage, most women do not have the courage and opportunities like her. Although Li Xiaonan is a fictional character, it is also a hope and blessing for women.”

The long-lost sense of suspense allows the audience to experience what is called a “roller coaster” drama

Li Xiaonan is a real estate agent. During the day, he takes clients around for house inspections. After get off work, he takes off his professional suit and puts on a tricycle to set up a stall in the night market to sell fried noodles. All this hard work is just to get the down payment early. Husband Su Rui is a good husband who is praised by everyone. Knowing that he loves his wife, he doesn’t go anywhere after get off work. He always goes to help his wife as soon as possible. “Jiang Zhao Liming” unfolds in a warm atmosphere of mutual support and harmony – but everything is an illusion, and the audience is soon dizzy by the “roller coaster” of the plot.

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The attentive audience has already noticed the clues. The good husband Su Rui has two faces: he is affectionate in front of people, but he doesn’t remember that his wife does not drink ice water; he delivers lunch to his wife’s company, but he only cares about himself at home; he drives his wife to work, But when I closed the stall and went home, I let my wife push the tricycle alone, and play with my mobile phone behind me… I haven’t had time to digest the shattering of Su Rui’s good husband’s character. Not only did he owe a lot of loan sharks, beat his wife domestically, but also cheated, and he planned to murder his wife’s life and cheat insurance… Whenever you think this husband is bad, he can be even worse. Someone in the barrage area even asked for help for Li Xiaonan: “What if my husband sleeping beside me wants to kill me? Wait online! It’s urgent!”

“Jiang Zhao Dawn” made the audience feel the emotional waves like “galloping lightning” through the reversal of the plot layer by layer, and the cognition was constantly refreshed in just a few episodes. As Su Rui’s body was found by the river, the atmosphere of suspense was full. Wan Qian, an actor who was following the show, asked online: “I originally wanted to say that Li Xiaonan ran quickly, but Sister Li’s reversal… So are you a big boss?” Another actor, Michelle Chen, was also chasing the show with sincerity: “It’s really annoying to see! Come on! Xiaonan is not difficult!”

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Excellent suspense dramas should also guide the audience to have positive humanistic values

What is a good suspense drama? The screenwriter Jia Dongyan summed it up as follows: it has a strong social character, has a brilliant portrayal of characters, and the plot can be continuously upgraded or reversed. Different from the previous suspense dramas with poor reputation, “Jiang Zhao Liming” has a good sense of suspense. It does not use mental illness, lunatic or curious plots to fool the audience, but implants suspense into intricate characters. In the relationship: Su Rui’s extramarital lover Yu Hong, Li Xiaonan’s old classmate Wang Cheng, debt collector Song Hu… It seems that everyone has a motive for murder, but everyone has their own difficulties. While the audience is looking for the murderer in the clues, they are also looking for a way out for the characters in the play.

An excellent suspense drama cannot just burn the brain, but also convey positive humanistic values. Although a murder case is used as the background of the story, the main tone of “Jiang Zhao Dawn” is still to find hope and happiness. After Li Xiaonan knew that her husband was in debt and was raped, she still felt lucky to her husband. Her hopeful innocence and enthusiasm for human nature can be reflected in the dialogue with her old classmate Wang Cheng-Wang Cheng asked her why she kept lizards, Li Xiaonan replied Said: “If you can raise a cold-blooded animal with feelings, it will be a sense of accomplishment.” At the same time, the play also conveys to the audience the belief of maintaining hope and full of hope for the world through a repeated dialogue: “If Someone gave you a hand when you were the most difficult, you must catch it.”

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However, as the episode was halfway through the air, there were more criticisms of the procrastination and looseness of the plot. “Only the first six episodes of fans” was once considered a “routine” for online drama creation. To maintain a high level throughout the whole drama, “Jiang Zhao Dawn” had to run well in the second half. (Weizhong)

责编:崔益明 ]

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