Home » Patricia Bullrich’s SUBE without balance and Luis Novaresio’s blooper: “Complicated Montonera”

Patricia Bullrich’s SUBE without balance and Luis Novaresio’s blooper: “Complicated Montonera”

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Patricia Bullrich’s SUBE without balance and Luis Novaresio’s blooper: “Complicated Montonera”

The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, participated this Thursday in a press conference in front of the Plaza Constitución station, where he was visiting on the day of the CGT general strike. When she finished, she got on a bus, empty of passengers, apparently with the aim of traveling. But she ended up tangled in a blooper.

“¡You have no balance, man! He’s stupid, he has no balance“!” she reproached a collaborator who had lent her a SUBE card, while looking at the bus driver in search of complicity. She was accompanied by the Secretary of Transportation, Franco Mogetta.

In the previous tour he had called for the CGT’s measure of force on May 9 “the stoppage of weakness“Earlier he had described as “mafia acts” the attacks suffered by some bus lines that did not comply with the strike.

Authoritarians don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That is why it bothers those who believe they are the owners of the truth.

CGT strike: one by one, the services that will be affected this May 9

“Go out and use your car, there are no safety problems, the country needs us to work. “All those who have committed acts of violence demonstrate a situation of weakness, because if to carry out a strike you have to attack a bus it is because you are in a situation of weakness,” he said.

When asked for a message for the union members, he said: “Stop screwing around and go to work“.

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Patricia Bullrich: “Let’s not let them break everything”

Early on, the Minister of Security published in X some photos of groups that had been attacked in the first hours of the strike and launched: “The mafia started!“.

“Let’s not let them break everything we are achieving. We are going to take care of everyone who goes to work,” said Bullrich and asked to call line 134 to report attacks.

“Complicated Montonera”: Luis Novaresio’s blooper

In Constitución, Patricia Bullrich was about to begin responding to the journalists, who surrounded her in a somewhat disorderly manner.

From the study of LN+, Luis Novaresio He tried to describe the situation and blurted out one sentence: “complicated pile“.

He immediately noted the association with the minister’s past in combative Peronism. He took it with humor.

“Wow, something incredible came out, I’m going to go straight to the memes, as appropriate… a bunch of journalists, I meant. The unconscious is wise…“.


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