Home » Post-00s remake of “Who is He” is a hardcore re-enactment of the famous scene, netizens: the atmosphere is full, so talented_Industry_Technology Channel Home_Financial Network-CAIJING.COM.CN

Post-00s remake of “Who is He” is a hardcore re-enactment of the famous scene, netizens: the atmosphere is full, so talented_Industry_Technology Channel Home_Financial Network-CAIJING.COM.CN

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Post-00s remake of “Who is He” is a hardcore re-enactment of the famous scene, netizens: the atmosphere is full, so talented_Industry_Technology Channel Home_Financial Network-CAIJING.COM.CN

Source: Caijing.com

2023-03-21 17:43

With the popularity of the hard-core criminal investigation drama “Who is He”, while driving the upsurge of watching the drama, some viewers also discovered that a large number of filming locations in the drama came from the buildings and street environments in Zhuzhou and Xiangtan, Hunan, which caused some netizens to check in offline. Recently, a “post-00” guy in Zhuzhou even remade a short video of the plot at the filming location.

In the one-and-a-half-minute remake video, scenes such as Ningjiang Public Security Bureau and Ningjiang Medical College are deeply restored in the play. It not only reproduces the director Gu Weidong talking with the police, Wei Guoping visits the school to investigate the case, but also reproduces Wei Guoping Chasing down anatomy teacher Xue Jiajian and other plots.

The remake video also uses the same camera angles as in the play, such as the intense chase scenes in the stairwells and corridors, the long shots of the police visiting the teaching buildings, and Wei Guoping’s scene after he learned the clues from the school cleaning aunt. look back. The video screen is matched with the original voice lines, coupled with the fast-paced background music, which restores the atmosphere in the play, and received a lot of likes within two days of its release.



The guy introduced himself as a native of Zhuzhou. During the process of watching the drama, he found that many of the filming locations were streets and buildings he was familiar with, so he decided to remake it with his classmates who also love photography. “First of all, we are deeply impressed by some plots. Try to see what effect you can make.” He said that on the morning of the shooting, he first went to the shooting location to check the location, determined the scene and the movement of the characters, and then used an afternoon to complete the shooting. He edited the video and uploaded it to the Internet that night. He did not expect to attract so many people’s attention.

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The guy said that while watching this drama, he also saw some related news reports on the Internet, and he has a deeper understanding of the difficulties that ordinary people will encounter when handling cases. “I also admire the profession of the police more , I hope to use this video to pay tribute to the police, and I hope that more netizens will watch this drama through their own videos and learn more about the profession of police.”

In addition, as the popularity of the series continues, the online attention of Zhuzhou and Xiangtan, where the filming locations are located, has also increased. Many netizens spontaneously went to schools, vegetable markets, streets and other filming locations to check in, and shared photos of the check-in on social platforms.



It is understood that after the broadcast of “Who is He”, it swept the entire network with a strong plot, fast-paced, and immersive plot, and reached the top of the ratings. On the first day of its launch, it topped the hot list of multiple platforms such as Beacon Maoyan, and even drove Youku downloads. The number of video apps reached the top.

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