Home » Progressives Are Trying to Take Over Medieval Studies–Rachel Fulton Brown

Progressives Are Trying to Take Over Medieval Studies–Rachel Fulton Brown

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Progressives Are Trying to Take Over Medieval Studies–Rachel Fulton Brown

Aug 14, 2018

The critical theorists and social justice warriors are trying to
do to medieval studies what they’ve done to other disciplines, and
if you don’t get on board, you’re a white supremacist. Over the
past two years or so, the mob has targeted University of Chicago
professor Rachel Fulton Brown, calling her a fascist, trying to
intimidate her department into censuring her, and banning her from
conference sessions. She joins me to discuss her ordeal, why even
tenured professors are willing to stand up for unpopular truths,
and the stakes of the battle for medieval studies.


Rachel Fulton Brown’s academic homepage

Milo Yiannopoulos’s essay “Why the Battle for Medieval Studies
Matters to America” (profanity warning) https://www.dangerous.com/45111/middle-rages/

Rachel’s fascinating Professional Self-Portrait

Mary and the Art of Prayer: The Hours of the Virgin in
Medieval Christian Life and Thought:

Purchase https://amzn.to/2MPrGFf

Read Chapter 2


2:56 Rachel Fulton Brown

3:41 The initial blog post that made Rachel’s colleagues

10:15 Rachel’s friendship with Milo Yiannopoulos

15:19 The progressive witch hunt within medieval studies

28:25 The letter 1,500 academics signed attempting to get her
department to censure her

34:40 Rachel’s defenders in academia

36:49 Why even tenured academics fear the mob

41:23 Critical theorists coming from English literature into
medieval studies

45:27 What will be lost if medieval studies is taken over by
progressives: the study of Christianity

51:02 This week’s reading: Bl. John Henry

This podcast is a production of CatholicCulture.org. If you like
the show, please consider supporting us! http://catholicculture.org/donate/audio

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