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Shall we make Potato Gnocchi? – Panel therapy

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Shall we make Potato Gnocchi?  – Panel therapy

Oops, all right guys, today I’m going to talk about an Italian delight that a lot of people love: the gnocchi potatoby the way, a very successful recipe on Sundays at grandmothers’ houses, after all, it is a traditional dish that is already part of Brazilian cuisine, and you have certainly tried it or at least heard about it.

Gnocchi is made with potato dough, wheat flour and egg, it can be served with different sauces, from the traditional tomato sauce to more sophisticated sauces, such as pesto, but what everyone really likes is the bolognese sauce huh?.

But did you know that gnocchi has a special day to be eaten? In Italian tradition, it is believed that eating gnocchi on the 29th of each month brings luck and money, so mark the day in the calendar so you don’t forget!

Basic Potato Gnocchi Recipe

I’m going to teach you a delicious recipe for potato gnocchi, very simple to make at home, but this is the basic recipe, then I’ll go into the examples that I make for you to see, for the basics you’ll need:

  • 1 kg of potatoes (but preferably Potato Monalisa or Asterix)
  • 2 cups of wheat flour
  • 1 ovo
  • salt to taste

For the sauce:

  • 1 can of peeled tomato
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 2 minced garlic cloves
  • Oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Fresh basil to taste

Preparation mode:

  1. Start by cooking the potatoes in salted water. When they are soft, drain and let cool slightly (but not too much, just until you can handle the potato).
  2. Mash the potatoes with a fork or potato masher until you form a puree (be careful not to mash too much as this could make you miss the point).
  3. Add the wheat flour, egg and salt and mix until it forms a homogeneous mass.
  4. On a floured surface, make rolls with the gnocchi dough and cut into pieces of about 2 cm.
  5. In a large pot, boil water with salt and put the pieces of gnocchi to cook, but do it little by little to be able to remove those that start to float. When they rise to the surface, remove with a slotted spoon and place in an ovenproof dish.
  6. For the sauce, sauté the onion and garlic in olive oil until golden, then add the peeled tomato and mash with a fork to break up the pieces. Season with salt and pepper to taste and let it cook for a few minutes, but if you want a fancy pasta sauce recipe click here
  7. Pour the sauce over the gnocchi and sprinkle fresh basil on top.
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There, your gnocchi is ready to be enjoyed! This recipe yields about 4 servings and is a delicious option for a family lunch or dinner.

Now I’m going to indicate the recipes that are already successful here at home: Ana Maria posted a Lazy recipe a while ago that I always think about trying, but I end up making this potato gnocchi a while ago that I wrote in this post and I give a lot of tips for those who have never made it .

Anyway, if you’re already a beast, you can try a more elaborate recipe, so I recommend my Stuffed Gnocchi, which is wonderful. But if your business is seeing is believing, here for example, there are two very good recipes that are success in the channel.

My Favorite Recipes

This recipe that deserves your attention because it serves as a great source of income:

Because now you know everything about gnocchi and have no excuses not to make this culinary wonder at home. Send a bullet, call the guys and share on social networks, enjoy!

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