Home » Shen Yun arrives in Adelaide, the first stop in Oceania, warmly welcomed by fans | Australia | Shen Yun Performing Arts | American Shen Yun World Performing Arts

Shen Yun arrives in Adelaide, the first stop in Oceania, warmly welcomed by fans | Australia | Shen Yun Performing Arts | American Shen Yun World Performing Arts

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Shen Yun arrives in Adelaide, the first stop in Oceania, warmly welcomed by fans | Australia | Shen Yun Performing Arts | American Shen Yun World Performing Arts

[New Tang Dynasty News, Beijing time, April 05, 2023]After the American Shen Yun World Art Troupe successfully concluded its performance in Taiwan, it arrived in Adelaide, Australia on April 4 and started its tour in Oceania. The local fans were full of enthusiasm and came to the airport early to pick them up.

Many fans came here admiringly and waited early at Adelaide International Airport to welcome Shen Yun performers.

Shen Yun fan Barbara: “I have never missed every performance of Shen Yun in Australia. The first time I saw Shen Yun was in Canberra in 2006. At that time (in the performance) I felt something special, something precious, Felt divine. It was an honor to be here to welcome them.”

Shen Yun dancers believe that the value of Shen Yun lies in giving people hope.

Shen Yun dancer (Justina Wang) Zheng Yu: “In an era where the social state is always unstable and constantly changing, the values ​​we want to pass on, such as hope, perseverance, determination, etc., will not fade with the passage of time. Change.”

Shen Yun dancer Li Yuxuan: “Shen Yun will bring hope to Australian audiences, and will show pure, pure, kind, and beautiful dance art. Our Shen Yun has a very noble standard in terms of morality, self-cultivation, and life. come and ask us. So we, through this art form, are able to show it.”

The dancers say the audience is what motivates them to work hard every day.

Shen Yun dancer (Justina Wang) Zheng Yu: “I know that the audience is not just a group, but many individuals. Everyone is unique. When each of them (after watching Shen Yun) returns home, they all feel It’s a lot of fun and it makes you feel like (all the hard work) was worth it.”

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Shen Yun dancer Li Yuxuan: “Everything is worth it after hearing the audience’s warm applause.”

Shen Yun artists have given answers to why Shen Yun performances are so popular all over the world. Tickets are hard to find in many places.

Tang Yi, host of Shen Yun (Ben Freed): “After watching Shen Yun, people feel that their hearts have been purified and improved. So I think this aspect is very popular with the audience. I will tell many people that they will come.”

Shen Yun flutist Huang Zirong: “We (live orchestra) combine traditional elements and don’t like modern styles. Our programs share universal values, which I think any country or different culture can understand, such as compassion, loyalty, hope And sacrifice etc. We need more of these values ​​in this day and age and I’m sure the Australian audience will appreciate that.”

Reporter Yang Yang: Shen Yun World Art Troupe will perform a total of 28 performances in six major cities in Australia and New Zealand, with the first stop in Adelaide, the capital of South Australia.

(For more information, please click Shen Yun Official Website Booking Information)

NTDTV reporter Yang Yang interviewed and reported in Adelaide, Australia

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