Home » Sign by sign, Jimena La Torre’s predictions for the week from March 31 to April 6

Sign by sign, Jimena La Torre’s predictions for the week from March 31 to April 6

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Sign by sign, Jimena La Torre’s predictions for the week from March 31 to April 6

Jimena La Torre spread her predictions. Through a video on YouTube, the renowned astrologer detailed what awaits each sign in this new week.

Specifically, Jimena advanced What will happen to the different signs of the zodiac the week from Sunday, March 31 to Saturday, April 6, 2024.

«Mercury is going to be retrograde in the sign of Aries and it is important that you are defended to be able to carry out the themes of the month,” indicated the astrologer.

According to La Torre, April 2024 will begin with the Waning Moon so it is important to go through it in a good way.

Predictions: Jimena La Torre’s weekly horoscope


Week so that you have a great capacity to shine and finish everything pending. That will make you feel all the happiness that you really like to enjoy.


It is a very energetic month in which you can return to all pending topics. That is why The Priest gives you a lot of faith.


This month is Future Springboard Month. If you have things in order and with justice, everything will turn out great.


You have a passionate month, with action and determination, which is why this Knight of Wands takes you to start moving.


He loves being in a relationship and this month is for you to close what is uncomfortable with your partner. Possibility of a true commitment and also of a pending trip with the partner you have had for a long time.


There are pending things that have to do with selling things from the past. You will do great and you will be able to work in peace with your family.


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This month is when you will demonstrate this diplomatic style knowing wisely how to carry out side A and side B.


Time for action, for passion so that you can start doing independent projects without fear.


The moon is in your sign and it brings about moving forward and thinking through an investment project that you may leave until May, but the entire month of April is in mind, that helps a lot.


Time for professional challenges. Even if it costs you, they will shine a lot and strength gives you patience in your profession.


Month to direct any situation. You are going to live this month of April with faith, with security and with the knowledge that you are number one.


Unique capacity because it recharges your batteries. You will do very well with a clear commitment.

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