Home » The Bollini school and fundraising to make the courtyard more beautiful

The Bollini school and fundraising to make the courtyard more beautiful

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The Bollini school and fundraising to make the courtyard more beautiful

Making the courtyard the beating heart of the school restart, after two years of activities limited by the pandemic: this is the goal of the Bollini primary school of the Duca d’Aosta Comprehensive Institute of the municipality of Novara, which aims to collect the resources necessary to reconvert a space today in very bad conditions in a place of aggregation, inclusion and formation.

The fundraising campaign was born as part of the Donoscuola project, created by the Crt Foundation in collaboration with the consultation for people in difficulty, which offers a training and coaching program for schools in Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta of all levels. on fundraising, the culture of donation and solidarity.

After an initial training phase on fundraising, which involved 45 institutes, Donoscuola gets to the heart with the launch of the fundraising campaigns of the ten winning schools – including Primary Bollini -, led by special tutors: the former Talents for Fundraising “graduates” in the higher education courses of the CRT Foundation. Giulia Mascadri takes the field in Novara.

«We are helping to bring the school back to the center of the community and to consolidate this bond, which is doubly important today for the development of the territories after the difficult years of the pandemic – affirm the President of the CRT Foundation Giovanni Quaglia and the Secretary General Massimo Lapucci -. With this pioneering initiative, the school world will be able to use new strategic planning tools, promote synergies with a plurality of players, enhance its human capital by acquiring additional skills and pursue objectives in the name of greater economic sustainability ” .

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The goal of the campaign is to raise 23,500 euros by 30 June to redevelop the historic courtyard in different phases. The starting idea is to cover the entire dusty surface with synthetic grass, and prepare a chessboard, a giant trio and a baskin area where even children with difficulties can train. Subsequently, a long jump track, a multisensory path, a reading area and an area with round gravel will be inserted in the courtyard; finally, the vegetable garden and flower boxes will be arranged.

«We have all lived boxed up and imprisoned for months – says Claudia Tacchini, coordinator of the complex – and even now at school the interactions between children are limited: we have suspended or greatly reduced group work, open classes, projects in the area. Never as in these moments, however, have we felt the need to reclaim as much of the outdoor spaces as possible ».

Some local realities have already given their willingness to collaborate in the project, such as the Blind Union, the Novarese Chess Society, the Polisportiva San Giacomo and Legambiente; but now, thanks to the training and tutoring received through the Donoscuola project, the fundraising is open to the contribution of the whole community.

It is possible to contribute to the project by donating directly to the address www.retedeldono.it/it/il-cortile-che-vorrei-scuola-bollini

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