Home » The change was throbbing, but we were also surprised

The change was throbbing, but we were also surprised

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The change was throbbing, but we were also surprised

Sebastián Demarchi, a Justicialist councilor from Morteros, became the elected mayor of this city when he faced the pro-government candidate supported by Rodrigo de Loredo, Valeria Gandino, at the polls; and the Kirchnerist Ider Peretti. After the win, he assured that he was beating for a victory, but that he was also surprised by the results.

Demarchi prevailed at the polls by less than 200 votes against the candidate of Together for Change, in a campaign in which the local Justicialism was divided. Peretti exhibited posters with the support of the mayor and candidate for governor, Martín Llaryora, under the label United for Mortars; while Demarchi appeared under the Alternative political force.

“We had been working and feeling very good spirits for the last week, but it is true that we were also surprised. We had started a while ago and everyone said that we were second, but it turned us on for good”, Demarchi acknowledged in an interview with Continental Cordoba.

In the festivities he was accompanied by the lieutenant governor and candidate for legislator of Hacemos Unidos por Córdoba, Manuel Calvo; while Llaryora participated in the electoral festivities in Villa General Belgrano.

“With Calvo we are united by the militancy of many years. He in Las Varillas, I from Morteros, always in the same political space and beyond the electoral… Did you see that I was not lying when I told you that I was a friend of Manuel Calvo? “, Demarchi joked in the middle of the festivities .

A few blocks from the winning bunker, Ider Peretti, together with the leader of the local PJ, Germán Pratto, acknowledged defeat.

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“I always believed that he was the right person and he has all the help, as well as this Government, be it the political color, help to the interior and that was the case in Morteros,” said Calvo.

“The change in management was always throbbing, it was eight years and this 64 percent of the votes is the non-approval of management. I was an alternative… we work for a project, we are part of a new generation and we are going to continue working so that Martín is the next governor. We are going to work from today until June 25 for that ”, he expressed.

“This was a campaign on foot, with the candidates in the street, that’s how we did it,” he said.

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