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“The idea is to be solid and play simple”

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“The idea is to be solid and play simple”

In his official debut as coach of Cipolletti, Christian Lovrincevich complied with the football maxim that says that “Technician who makes his debut wins”.

“We are in full construction, we wanted to play better than the rival, At times we were able to do it, with important approximations. There were two or three at each half, that justified the result”, analyzed the coach at a press conference after the match. win 1-0 against Círculo Deportivo in The Cement Visor.

“We knew it was going to be a tight game, we would have liked a smoother gameIt was sporadic, passing half the field it was difficult for us to find finer and more vertical passes. We still had a little more volume of play than the rival”, he highlighted.

Lovrincevich was active throughout the match, stuck to the line giving many directions. With many new players in the squad, the coach is confident that the identity of the team will be seen within a few games.

«The intention to always take possession of the ball that we had leaves us alone. 4 or 5 months have passed since the last tournament, starting the team is not easy, I calculate that in two or three dates we will see a more elastic football and not so static, in all the teams”, he remarked.

“The idea at the beginning is to be solid and play simply, we have to be fine in the most important plays and in the details”, he concluded.

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