Home » The prosecution expects that the trial will end before the end of the year

The prosecution expects that the trial will end before the end of the year

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The prosecution expects that the trial will end before the end of the year

The Economic Crimes Prosecutor’s Office estimates that The trial will be concluded within the next six months. for the scam with social plans in Neuquén. Prosecutor Juan Manuel Narváez expressed this when requesting that the house arrest of one of the accused, Néstor Pablo Sánz, be extended.

Narváez requested that Sánz continue with house arrest for six months. “In that period we could reach the two trial hearings, the responsibility hearing and eventually the caesura hearing.”, said. The first is to define if there are guilty parties and of what crimes, and the second to set the sentence they should serve.

The prosecutor in the case stated in a hearing held on Thursday that “we are finalizing the analysis of the computer expertise” and “we are seeing that “There is correlation between the digital evidence and the proposed factual platform.”.

«Our theory of the case is being evidentiarily reinforced»he added.

The prosecution has to present its accusation before July 27. On that deadline must present all the evidence collected and request that it be brought to trialwhich will be before a court of three professional judges.

During April, he offered all the defendants the possibility of a summary trial, but very few accepted.

The defense could ask for more time

Gustavo Palmieri, Sánz’s defender, clarified that when the prosecution presents its accusation (on July 27 or before), «we may require an additional investigation period. “We have to analyze all the evidence and there we will decide what our position will be.”

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Regarding Sánz’s situation, he agreed to maintain house arrest, with electronic anklet and surprise police patrols.

Judge Estefanía Sauli ordered the six-month extension of the domiciliary order.

There are 27 defendants in the case and three with deprivation of liberty. In addition to Sánz, they are Ricardo Soiza and Marcos Osuna.

Soiza will turn 70 in August and You can ask to be taken out of the police station where he is serving preventive measures to transition to home care.

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