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The Transformative Masterpiece of Shen Yun: A Mystery Writer’s Reflection

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The Transformative Masterpiece of Shen Yun: A Mystery Writer’s Reflection

Shen Yun New World Performing Arts Impresses Mystery Writer Daniel Ellis

On the evening of January 2, 2024, mystery writer Daniel Ellis was in attendance for Shen Yun New World Performing Arts’ first performance at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Auditorium in Chattanooga. The Epoch Times reporter Wen Ye captured the experience and reported on Ellis’s profound admiration for the show.

Ellis, known for his series of mystery novels that investigate real crime cases, was deeply impressed by the theme and connotation of Shen Yun’s performance. He marveled at the program’s criticism of the communist regime and its portrayal of the prosperity that existed before the regime’s intervention in politics. He expressed regret over the forgotten state of Chinese traditional culture and found it incredibly exciting that Shen Yun was bringing it back to life.

Furthermore, Ellis applauded Shen Yun’s fearlessness in conveying the truth of the times and promoting bright hope, particularly in the face of political regimes. He drew parallels between the show and biblical themes, comparing the rise and fall of empires to the continuous cycle of dynasties in Chinese history.

Notably, Ellis commended Shen Yun’s incorporation of divine culture, agreeing with the principles of Dafa and emphasizing the importance of spirituality in today’s world. He expressed his belief in the continuation of the soul after death, emphasizing the realness and certainty of the soul’s existence and its continuation.

In closing, Ellis paid the highest respect to the Shen Yun artists, admiring the precision and flawlessness of their performances. He described Shen Yun as a “transformative” artistic masterpiece and deemed it a “beautiful and perfect achievement.”

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Overall, Daniel Ellis’s experience at Shen Yun’s performance was one of awe and admiration, with his deep appreciation for the show’s cultural significance and artistic excellence evident throughout the evening.

Editor in charge: Xia Luxuan

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