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The Year of the Green Dragon: Preparing for Disasters and Cultivating Peace

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The Year of the Green Dragon: Preparing for Disasters and Cultivating Peace

Year of the Green Dragon: Disasters and Strife in the New Year

As the world ushers in the Year of the Green Dragon according to the Chinese zodiac, many are bracing for the potential onslaught of disasters and conflicts that seem to loom on the horizon. Last year, the Year of the Black Rabbit was marked by a series of unfortunate events, and it appears that the trend may continue into the new year.

The Double Spring Festival in the lunar calendar, coupled with a leap month in February, made last year particularly unlucky. Disasters such as the epidemic tsunami, overcrowded crematoriums, floods in Zhuozhou, and the Gansu earthquake, among others, left a trail of destruction and despair in their wake. Additionally, geopolitical tensions and conflicts, such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the Kazakhstan-Israel conflict, added to the sense of unease and instability in the world.

As the Green Dragon takes center stage in the new year, the ominous combination of a black rabbit entering the green dragon signifies potential trouble ahead. It is imperative that individuals and communities across the globe mentally prepare themselves to face and resist potential disasters and conflicts in the coming months.

In the face of such uncertainty, the message is clear: uphold sincerity and good intentions, cultivate the mind inwardly, and accumulate virtue. Through prayer and blessings from the gods and Buddhas, it is hoped that the people of the world can navigate the challenges ahead and emerge safely from any impending disasters.

As the first day of the first lunar month of the Year of the Green Dragon dawns, it is a time for reflection and preparation. By fostering a sense of unity, kindness, and resilience, perhaps the world can navigate the uncertainties that lie ahead and strive for a future marked by peace and stability.

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