Home » UCR deputies criticized Javier Milei for his journey to Spain

UCR deputies criticized Javier Milei for his journey to Spain

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UCR deputies criticized Javier Milei for his journey to Spain

A bunch of members of the Radical Civic Union (UCR) filed a prison criticism towards the president Javier Miley and his Worshipful Secretary, Francisco Sanchezwith “fraud” and “defrauding the State” after the journey they made to Spain, the place the president introduced his e book after which participated in an occasion organized by the conservative get together. Vox.

Presentation of judgment carried out by nationwide legislators Fernando Carbajal, Pedro Galimberti and Manuel Aguirre y it fell to the Criminal and Correctional Court 4, underneath the duty of the Judge Ariel Lijoappointed by Milei to fill one of many vacant positions in Supreme Court of Justice.

“What is necessary for the needs of this attraction is that the President went to Spain for private causes. He went to a gaggle perform and went to a e book launch pretending to be an creator. However, each he and his staff traveled with funds from the nationwide authorities, despite the fact that it was a personal journey,” the doc mentioned.

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