Home » Vidal highlighted his anger with Larreta and criticized his “personal desires”: “I am not going to be an accomplice to that”

Vidal highlighted his anger with Larreta and criticized his “personal desires”: “I am not going to be an accomplice to that”

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Vidal highlighted his anger with Larreta and criticized his “personal desires”: “I am not going to be an accomplice to that”

While Horacio Rodríguez Larreta tried to minimize this Wednesday, April 12, the PRO intern during his visit to the Rural property, Mary Eugenia Vidal once again differentiated himself from the mayor of Buenos Aires and put on the table, once again, the reasons for ‘his anger’ with the presidential candidate. In a television interview, the national deputy and former governor of the province of Buenos Aires criticized the “personal desires” by Larretaalthough he also clarified that the disagreement “doesn’t mean a break up”. He also provided definitions on his possible presidential candidacy.

In line with the position of Mauricio MacriVidal discussed the existing tension in his political space in the program The one of youtransmitted by the screen of TN.

“It’s not just with the decision he made [Horacio Rodríguez Larreta]but with a way of doing politics that has been happening in Juntos por el Cambio and in the PRO,” declared the opposition referent.

Maria Eugenia Vidal in TN. Screenshot

“Politics looks like a circus without an audience”he continued.

“Our only topic of discussion seems to be the candidacies, the way in which one votes, the electoral rules… and that puts us very far from the Argentines,” said the former Buenos Aires governor, implicitly referring to Larreta.

However, during the interview he remarked that “a disagreement does not mean a break” and that the experience has to be capitalized as “learning for the PRO”.

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Vidal pointed out Larreta’s “personal desires”

“We have a greater responsibility than our own personal desires, that the charges, that the discussion of electoral rules, and it is Argentina that hurts. The Argentina that is waiting for a responsible political leadership that discusses its own ambitions with indifference,” Vidal shot.

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“The PRO and JxC were not born for that,” he questioned in statements to TN. “They were born to represent the majority of Argentines and give them an answer to their problems. Not to make a discussion show about who gets what position. I think that this distances us a lot from the Argentines. That angers me. I do not want to be part of it, I will not be an accomplice of it“.

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Vidal: “The Argentina that is coming is difficult and requires experience”

“I am going to define my presidential candidacy in a few weeks”announced María Eugenia Vidal.

“I feel that I am prepared for that. The 17 million Buenos Aires residents, plus the 3 million porteños that I governed, first with Mauricio in the City and then in the Province of Buenos Aires as governor, gave me a unique opportunity to walk a difficult path. with them”, continued the national deputy.

“The Argentina that is coming is difficult and requires experience,” argued Vidal and sent a message to Governor Axel Kicillof: “For 3 years the only thing I’ve heard from Kicillof is criticism of my management. What I still haven’t heard is what are the achievements of yours”.


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