Home » Young soprano singer Xu Na: “Beautiful China” MV-Qianlong·China Capital Net

Young soprano singer Xu Na: “Beautiful China” MV-Qianlong·China Capital Net

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“If you and I are beautiful, China will be beautiful, and the world will be beautiful and China will be more beautiful!” Guizhou young soprano singer Xu Na praised the motherland and blessed China with a beautiful singing voice!

Young soprano singer Xu Na, from Anshun, Guizhou (the descendant of Tunpu people). Graduated from the Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, and later graduated with a master’s degree in vocal music from the Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music. As a descendant of Tunpu people, Xu Na often thinks about singing some local original songs for Tunpu, which has more than 600 years of history and culture. As a singer’s love for the motherland and a blessing to the party, the singer and the filming team went well at the end of June 2021. Completed the MV production of “Beautiful China”.

Young soprano singer Xu Na

The MV of “Beautiful China” is directed by the national first-level director Dong Jinru and directed by Tang Shiyi. The song was composed by lyrics writer Zheng Lin, tenor, vocal education expert, composer Ning Lin, and tailor-made for Xu Na.

It is understood that this MV shooting was set in various scenic spots in Guizhou to show the beautiful scenery of Guizhou, which highlights the Tunpu culture with a history of more than 600 years in Anshun, Guizhou. The main shooting locations include the world-famous Huangguoshu Waterfall in Anshun, the famous Baling River Bridge in China, and the best-preserved Benzhai of Tunbao Diaolou. Xu Na dressed in unique Getunbao Hanyang costumes for interpretation, showing the characteristics of Guizhou Tunpu. Jiangnan Culture”.

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Young soprano singer Xu Na

Young soprano singer Xu Na

Singer introduction: Xu Na, currently studying at the Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music, with a double doctorate degree, the Platinum Award in the International Music Festival Competition of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, Kyiv, and the Second National Vocal Music “Salute to Classics” hosted by the Chinese Minority Vocal Music Society “Exhibition” won the “Bright Star” Silver Medal, the first place in the Ukrainian “Oksana Cup” Solo Contest, and the Ukrainian 21st Century Vocal Grand Prix Silver Medal, invited to participate in the Guizhou Radio and Television Station’s 2021 “Me and My Hometown” Spring Festival Gala, the image ambassador of China Capital Forum, and the image ambassador of People’s Media. Representative works “Mountain Love”, “The Motherland I Beloved”, “Beautiful China”.

Young soprano singer Xu Na


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