Home » 23 unlawful employees within the fitness center, fines of 300 thousand euros

23 unlawful employees within the fitness center, fines of 300 thousand euros

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23 unlawful employees within the fitness center, fines of 300 thousand euros

LAMEZIA TERME – A current inspection by the financiers of the Lamezia Terme Group at a preferred fitness center owned by a sports activities affiliation revealed a stunning discovery. Twenty-three employees had been discovered to be working illegally, with 12 of them being fully unauthorized.

The investigation uncovered the presence of receptionists, room attendants, lecturers, and clerical workers who weren’t related to the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies’ data system. As a outcome, the administration of the sports activities group now faces the method of official notification for the approval of worker positions and the cost of a maxi-sanction. The sanction, totaling over 300 thousand euros, was calculated based mostly on the precise days of labor, in addition to different irregularities similar to false registration of information and violations of wage cost monitoring.

Furthermore, it was found in the course of the inspection that an unauthorized video surveillance system had been put in on the fitness center with out the information of the staff. The accountable events have since been reported to the Privacy Authority for this violation.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the significance of following correct rules and protocols within the office to keep away from authorized penalties. Stay tuned for additional updates on this growing story.

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