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6 exercises to train your memory and prevent dementia and brain aging

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When we talk about exercise, most of the time we refer to the physical. Push-ups and sit-ups are important for staying healthy, but they’re not the only form of training. The brain also needs constant exercise to stay active.

Empowering our mind is not only important to respond more quickly to external stimuli. In fact, it also helps prevent the onset of some serious diseases, such as senile dementia. In this regard, our editorial team has discovered the usefulness of 6 exercises to train memory and prevent dementia and brain aging.

Il Memory Enhancement Program

The proposed activities are based on the studies of Dr. Cynthia Green, one of the world‘s leading experts in brain health. The exercises are part of the program she devised, called the “Memory Enhancement Program” and provide practical help to strengthen memory. In the following paragraph we will try to briefly explain some of them, illustrating how they work.

6 exercises to train your memory and prevent dementia and brain aging

For the first exercise we will need some sheets of paper and colored markers. We will have to write the names of different colors, avoiding to associate each name with the color that represents it. For example we will write “blue” with the orange marker, “black” with the yellow one and so on. The aim is to train the reading speed without correcting the alleged errors.

The second exercise involves writing a story using only 7 words. It seems difficult, but it will allow us to use our imagination to express ourselves better.

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We then continue trying to use the weak hand for simple daily actions such as writing, texting or eating. It will help us develop the concentration necessary to perform each gesture.

Next is a math exercise. Specifically, we should start from a high figure and gradually subtract the same number. The goal is to get to zero as quickly as possible.

The next game is perhaps the most fun. It consists in observing a photo or a drawing for about 30 seconds, hiding it and writing all the details remembered on a sheet of paper. It’s perfect for training attention to detail.

We conclude with a speed exercise. We ask someone to draw a pattern with symbols that repeat themselves in a random sequence. We take one as a reference and as quickly as possible try to guess how many times it appears.

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