Home » 7 good and easy to prepare fish that are good for your health: they cost very little

7 good and easy to prepare fish that are good for your health: they cost very little

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7 good and easy to prepare fish that are good for your health: they cost very little

Not everyone eats the right amount of fish and often the reason is the price on the market that is not always accessible to everyone. This is why today we offer you 7 good and easy-to-prepare fish to introduce immediately into your daily diet for an alternative dinner and a healthier body.

By now it is well known: to live well and in health, eating healthily is very important. Choosing good, healthy, nutritious and low-fat products is the essential basis for feeling good. The consumption of fish is also counted among the priorities highlighted and approved by the Ministry of Health.

Il Fish brings many benefits but to implement them, fish must be present in our lunches and dinners, at least two or three times a week. Unfortunately, many people they give up this food, due to an often prohibitive cost, thus preferring meat. However, there are some particular species of fish that are not too expensive and are also very good. All you need is knowing how to choose what to buy at the fish market, to have tasty, nutritious and inexpensive dishes.

7 good and easy to prepare fish but above all cheap!

Today we will list you at least 7 good and easy to prepare fish for light and tasty dinners. With its proteins, fish is a food that should be consumed more often by Italian families. But due to its high cost, many people are forced to give up on it. This is only because we tend to buy only what the dealer offers, that is the best known.

7 good and easy fish to prepare -Wineandfoodtour.it

There are also many low-cost species, which still maintain the same properties as an excellent sea bass. The consumption of fish is among the pillars of Mediterranean diet. Following this diet is not only nourishment, but it is a real “lifestyle”. In the pyramid of Ancel Keysinventor of the Mediterranean Diet, based on the diet of the Cilento people of the 50s, includes the consumption of oily fish and obviously also of unrefined cereals, vegetables, legumes, nuts, etc (all rigorously seasoned with olive oil).

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The consumption of red meat took place only on a monthly basis. We remind you that fish is made up of important vitamins, such as B6 – B12, vitamin D, and vitamin A, in addition to the important contribution of Omega-3. Therefore it is to be considered essential for a healthy diet.

What are the easiest fish to prepare

If you are thinking about preparing lunches based on fish is too expensive and complicated, you are wrong. The secret lies in choosing what to buy. There are low-cost fish that lend themselves to excellent recipes and are able to satisfy even the most demanding palates. Starting with blue fish, we remind you that to prepare an excellent second course for only 8 euros you can prepare an excellent fried Anchovies or anchovies for 4 people.

Anchovies, among the cheapest fish

Anchovies, among the cheapest fish -Wineandfoodtour.it

We have to follow the Mackerel to be cooked in a pan with the aromas you prefer, cherry tomatoes and olives, so as to counteract its strong flavour. You can also choose between Herring and sardines. These fish are rich in Omega-3s, which help the cardiovascular system and the proper functioning of the brain and eyesight.

Fish for less than 10 euros per kg

If fish is almost never on the weekly shopping list so as not to go over the budget, ask yours trusted fishmonger to expand its bank. If when you go to the fish market you can’t spend less than 50 euros, it’s only because we’re used to buying what the mass requires. Eating fish doesn’t just mean buying sea ​​bass, amberjack, bream or clams.


Pesce- wineandfoodtour.it

There are many good and cheap species. An example to make a tasty first course is to buy 1 kg of mussels for the price of 4 euros, which despite their low cost, have nothing to envy to clams. Another choice is the spatula or flag fish, mistakenly considered second choice.

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It lends itself to both preparation of a sauce to season pasta, or excellent to make in ways roll to be breaded in breadcrumbs with a light veil of pecorino. Sui shellfishhowever, we can ask the fishmonger to use the Canocchie, or Cobs. Its meat is tasty and soft, also rich in noble proteins. After having washed them well, cook them in a pan with cherry tomatoes and spade them with some paccheri type pastathey will be fragrant and creamy.

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