Home » 9 foods with the highest vitamin D content that save the heart and protect the bones

9 foods with the highest vitamin D content that save the heart and protect the bones

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Not everyone knows this but to improve psycho-physical well-being, strengthen the immune system, reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular problems, we should fill up on these foods. They are 9 goodness rich in vitamin D.

It is not us who say it but specialized doctors who, after several studies, have drawn up a list of healthy foods that should never be missing on our tables.

A balanced diet, the right physical movement and healthy habits greatly improve the quality of our life. In addition, they help fight common diseases such as diabetes and cholesterol.

In this regard, here are the incredible news for those suffering from high bad cholesterol because they no longer need to give up these beloved foods, science says.
It should also be noted that we can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 10-12% simply by changing this habit.
Eating 25-29 g of these beloved foods a day, on the other hand, reduces diabetes, heart attack and other diseases.

Foods that are friendly to our body

But what are the 9 foods with the highest vitamin D content that save the heart and protect the bones? Let’s find out together.

Vitamin D deficiency is not a rare problem, indeed it is very common, as science confirms.
First of all, it must be remembered that vitamin D is a so-called fat-soluble vitamin. It is the only nutrient that our body is able to produce when we expose ourselves to the sun.

Therefore, a good exposure to the sun already helps to make us full of this vitamin. However, in a fast-paced society like ours, about 50% of the world‘s population is at risk of vitamin D deficiency.

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The causes of this lack are basically 3: poor exposure to sunlight, little intake of fatty fish and the onset of diseases such as obesity.

As we previously mentioned, taking this type of vitamin is essentially important for 4 functions:
a) promotes bone health;
b) strengthens the immune system;
c) reduces the risk of cancer;
d) reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems.

9 foods with the highest vitamin D content that save the heart and protect the bones

Be careful, because experts recommend these 9 foods with the highest vitamin D content:
a) salmon;
b) mackerel;
c) sardines;
d) tuna;
e) swordfish;
f) eggs, only the yolks;
g) cod liver oil;
h) cow’s milk;
the mushrooms.

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