Home » A thousand extensions. Onotri (Smi): “The rule that sees doctors retiring at 72 is wrong”

A thousand extensions. Onotri (Smi): “The rule that sees doctors retiring at 72 is wrong”

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A thousand extensions.  Onotri (Smi): “The rule that sees doctors retiring at 72 is wrong”

Italian Doctors Union Criticizes Increase in Retirement Age for NHS Doctors

The Italian Doctors Union (IDU) has spoken out against the recent decision to raise the retirement age for employed doctors in the National Health Service (NHS) to 72. The general secretary of the union, Pina Onotri, has stated that this move does not address the serious shortage of doctors in the NHS and could further exacerbate the issue.

Onotri highlighted the policies of healthcare spending caps that prevent new hires for the NHS and criticized the increase in the retirement age as a stopgap measure that penalizes doctors. He expressed concerns about the ability of those over seventy to handle the workload and the delicate nature of addressing health needs at that age. He also noted that the current working conditions, including unbearable workloads and inadequate salaries, are already causing doctors to leave the NHS.

The IDU is calling for urgent measures to calculate the national need for specialists based on the real needs of the population and to outline serious planning to address the shortage of doctors in the NHS. They stress the importance of not implementing impromptu and penalizing measures for the work of doctors.

The union’s criticism comes as the healthcare industry continues to grapple with staffing shortages and increased demands on the healthcare system. The aging population and the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic have placed additional strain on healthcare providers and highlight the need for strategic workforce planning.

The IDU’s comments raise important questions about the long-term sustainability of healthcare systems and the workforce needed to meet the health needs of citizens. As the debate continues, policymakers will need to carefully consider the implications of retirement age increases and healthcare spending caps on the future of the healthcare workforce.

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