Home » A very easy remedy, which few know, to bring down a fever before taking medicines

A very easy remedy, which few know, to bring down a fever before taking medicines

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Did you know that there is a natural method to bring down a fever? This is a simple and effective strategy.

You may not be aware that fever can be naturally ‘lowered’, this is an easy mechanism to implement and promises great results. But why sometimes “the fever rises?”.

The term fever refers to a increase in body temperature and, be careful, it is not a disease but a symptom! This means that through it the body tries to fight bacteria o virus with the increase in temperature. The “heat” tested is functional in the fight against unwelcome guests, allowing the immune system to neutralize germs.

This fever-lowering technique has gone viral

So don’t worry if you feel unwell due to a fever, it is an alarm bell that the body sends to “attract your attention”. In general, if the phenomenon is sporadic and does not last for a long time, it shouldn’t be alarming, but if it should be persistent, it is advisable to notify your medico of trust.

How to lower fever naturally? You can, here’s how. Credits: Tik Tok @martina.essenziale (tantasalute.it)

It could in fact be a spy of a more serious pathology: for this reason it is essential to seek the opinion of an expert. This is a rule that should always be followed, at the first sign of fever you should contact your doctor, so that the specialist identifies the cause and the most appropriate therapy.

It is not recommended to take drugs without a doctor’s prescription, the therapies should be followed only if indicated by specialists. However, a simple and effective strategy can be implemented to get better and lower the fever.

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Many people use a cold towel to put on their forehead, but it’s not the right thing to do! The ideal is immerse your legs and calves in cold waterin order to stimulate the immune system, improve circulation and thus lower the temperature.

The one described is a method tested and used by hundreds of people and has gained so much popularity thanks to a Tik Tok video posted by Marine Natural Remedies. Just read the user comments to understand that it has been incredibly successful. The Doctor’s page is very popular and her followers are grateful to her for the disclosure, for the fact that she informs them of the natural techniques to immediately feel better in the presence of small and big annoyances.

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