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ADUC – Health – Article

by admin
ADUC – Health – Article

The government of our country has a constant in its initiatives and statements: the display of Italianness, in its forms of “made in Italy”, patriotism and the tricolour. Often giving value to representation more than content, even with false data. The last obvious, but poorly highlighted, example is when the Prime Minister, in the so-called end-of-year conference, flaunted that the European Commission’s growth estimates for 2024 place Italy above the European average… but the Commission’s estimates for the EU (+1.3%) and the euro area (+1.2%) are higher than those forecast for Italy, +0.9%.

Obviously the prime minister’s words resonate much more than the few who have detected this discrepancy, and therefore – the prime minister’s advisors must have thought – it is worth flaunting.

Among the victims – whether they are aware of it or not, it doesn’t matter – of this ostentation are advertisers. Every occasion of media relevance is evaluated to be relaunched and, consequently, to give greater credibility to one’s messages.

In recent weeks there have been several advertisements which, while previously they were “limited” to enhancing goodness, quality, charm, appeal, cheapness or expensiveness, have added a touch of Italianness to their messages. We have, for example, Fiat (registered office in Amsterdam and tax domicile in London) which, starting from the first days of 2024, renames the eco-bonus for the purchase of “ecological” vehicles as the “tricolor bonus”; or Alfa Romeo advertising its vehicles as “Italian tribute”; up to countless gastronomy products that have strengthened the Italian spirit compared to when they were limited to the traditional “made in Italy”, “Km zero” and surrounding areas.

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We do not know whether the government’s ostentation had foreseen this extension, but it is also significant to note it because as citizens and consumers, just as we are attentive to the Italian records in the EU flaunted by the prime minister, it is also good to pay attention to other records (assuming that the same are).

To use advertising language, it is precisely the case that for some market players “anything goes”.

Here is the video on Aduc’s YouTube channel

the association does not receives and is against public funding (even 5 per thousand)
Its economic strength lies in registrations and contributions donated by those who deem it useful

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