Home » all the risks related to the “vape” (even passive)

all the risks related to the “vape” (even passive)

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all the risks related to the “vape” (even passive)

For the gesture and the physical sensation it recalls that of tobacco, but on its side it has the advantage of avoiding complications due to combustion. We are talking about the electronic cigarette: device powered by a battery and filled with a liquid that can contain flavoring substances and, optionally, nicotine dissolved in an aqueous solution. The electronic cigarette, also called ecig, was created not so much to eliminate but at least to reduce the number of cigarettes, for the benefit of health. But be careful because even its secondhand smoke can cause serious damage to health.

In this article

Electronic cigarette: 2 million Italians use it

Almost two million Italians use itespecially of young age (data State). Although when “vaping” – this is the term used to indicate the inhalation of electronic cigarette smoke – exposure to potentially toxic substances (chromium, nickel, titanium, beyond nicotine) is lower than in “blondes ” classics, we must never forget the possible damage to the health of “new” smokers. And to those around them.

Young people like vaping the electronic cigarette

The fact that it is not equated to tobacco initially made the electronic cigarette, especially in the imagination of young people, as a little dangerous device to smoke or breathe. It’s about steamand not of tobacco combustion, initially vaping also gave a lot of freedom of use. Today the electronic cigarette cannot be smoked in indoor places such as schools, public and institutional places, hospitals and job centres. Bars, restaurants and commercial activities can freely establish whether it is possible to do so within their establishment, taking into account that passive smoking is also harmful to health. But first it is good to remember all the damages.

Electronic cigarette: all the risks associated with the “vape”

Nicotine causes damage to the respiratory and circulatory systems

Some models have a nicotine rate equal to 2%, at 20 mgan amount comparable to a pack and a half of traditional cigarettes.

Nicotine is a harmful substance that:

  • promotes hardening of the arteries
  • raises blood pressure
  • triggers the onset of heart disease (hypertension) and metabolic disease (diabetes)
  • in young people it could interfere with neurodevelopment and asthma.

Flavoring substances are doubly dangerous

The flavoring substances contained in some e-cigarettes are doubly dangerous. Before all make the ecig experience enjoyable, eliminating the bitter taste and increasing the desire to inhale and to do it even more deeply. Also, flavoring substances can reduce macrophage activitythe scavengers of the human body, promoting infections with consequences, even serious ones, on health.

E-cigarette and erectile dysfunction problems

The relationship between has long been known erectile dysfunction and smoking. Recent data derived from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study have shown that ecig use is also associated with this problem, regardless of agecardiovascular disease and other risk factors.

More ecig, more miscarriages

Papers published in January 2023 by the journal Preventive Medicine indicate higher chances of miscarriages in women who used e-cigarettes, particularly with menthol. According to the research conducted by Annette Regan on 79,000 patients, the daily use of these devices during pregnancy would increase the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight.

The more you smoke, the more you suffer from insomnia

The nicotine there is a’stimulating action like a coffee. Smoking frequently or shortly before falling asleep therefore puts the normal sleep-wake cycle at risk. Confirmation also comes from scientific research published in the journal Sleep: according to the study, those who “vape” the electronic cigarette tend to sleep, on average, 43 minutes less per night compared to non-smokers.

Disposable cigarettes: damage to the environment

This year the Tobacco Free Day 2023 of the World Health Organization was dedicated to the topic of sustainability. If traditional smoking is an enemy of the environment due to the 4 million hectares occupied by tobacco crops, with soil and water consumption that could be destined for less harmful crops, also the damage of the ecig it is no less. Many e-cigarettes are made up of replaceable parts, while disposable devices combine all the components into one a single part that is discarded when the liquid content runs out. A spillover consumptionthen also on the environment.

Passive smoke from e-cigarettes is also harmful

As reported by the Scientific Committee of the European Commission (SCHEER – Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks) there is evidence of the risks of local irritant damage to the respiratory tract It is on cardiovascular system due to ecigs. Among the emerging health risks there are also those associated withpassive exposure.

The data of a research conducted by the University of Southern California and published in the journal Thorax speak clearly: secondhand smoke and electronic cigarettes containing nicotine increase:

  • of the 40% the risk of developing bronchial symptoms
  • of the 53% chances of reporting shortness of breath among young adults.

How to avoid secondhand smoke damage from the ecig

To protect yourself from exposure to secondhand smoke from e-cigarettes is good stay away from those who vape indoors and open a window or a door for a few minutes to allow the product vapor to dissipate quickly.

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