Home » All the snacks you should give up to have a healthy intestine

All the snacks you should give up to have a healthy intestine

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All the snacks you should give up to have a healthy intestine

The intestine is a very important part of our body for our digestion and that is why it is equally essential to keep it healthy

One of the main reasons why it is good to eat a healthy diet is to keep it healthy, so that it works perfectly. The intestine it is a part of the body of the human being that it has an essential digestive function.

Intestine: foods that everyone loves but it’s good not to eat-Ossinotizie.it

But how is this organ made? In detail, it is a part of the digestive system located between the stomach and the anal orifice. Has 32 square meters of surface and is the largest internal organ of our body. It is crucial to absorb nutrients, to protect us from viruses and infections, through the synthesis of immune cells. From an anatomical point of view, the belly is in turn divided into small and large.

Intestine: which foods should be avoided

Its main task is to move food and liquids to make their absorption through the mucosa easier. Working together, the large and small intestines draw nutrients out of foods and liquids, and facilitate the excretion of wastes. And so a truly fundamental part for the health of the human body, and that is why it needs great attentionto work well.

gut what not to eat
Read very carefully is for your health-Ossinotizie.it

In order to keep the intestine healthy, there are foods that should be avoided, and foods that are good for the intestine and help keep it healthy. Clearly, it is important to follow a healthy and complete diet and for this reason it is advisable to consult a nutritionist. However, between foods that are good for the intestine are yogurt, kefir, tofu, tempeh. It’s a good idea to feed him also with apples, carrots, chicory, which contain soluble fibers which protect the intestinal mucosa from possible inflammatory agents.

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Whole grains and legumes help strengthen the intestinal barriers. For the purification of the intestine we recommend i flax seedand as natural disinfectants for it there are ginger and grapefruit. They are of great use when there are abdominal discomforts due to bacterial infections. According to experts, among the foods that should be avoided for the intestine, there are gum and candy, chips, refined wheat flour biscuits, ham and sausages, sweet biscuits, cakes and pastries.

Also avoid consuming alcoholic beverages in excess, because they can cause problems for the functioning of the immune and digestive systems. Don’t drink too much caffeine as it causes insomnia and digestive irregularities, such as constipation and diarrhea. Now you know everything about the intestine and you have the opportunity to take care of it. Please, it’s for our own good.

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