Home » Amnesia, how do you know if you have it? Here is the symptomatic picture

Amnesia, how do you know if you have it? Here is the symptomatic picture

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Amnesia, how do you know if you have it?  Here is the symptomatic picture

Correctly identifying the symptoms of amnesia also helps to establish its causes, which can be very different from each other.

People with amnesia have difficulty with memories: some cannot remember past facts or experiences, others cannot form new memories. Amnesia brings with it different kinds of problems e it is not always easy to recognize this condition.

Mild memory loss is normal part of aging. However, significant memory loss or the inability to form new memories may indicate the presence of a more serious amnesia disorder.

Before continuing with a brief analysis of the most common symptoms and causes of amnesia, it is important to underline that the first thing to do to be sure of not underestimating any danger is to consult health experts. In any case, authoritative sources on which to obtain information can be found on the Internet, such as the ISSalute portal of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.

Symptoms and causes of amnesia

If you have amnesia, you may have difficulty remembering specific facts, events, places, or details (which can range from what you ate this morning to the name of the current president). Not only memories, but all kinds of information are processed with difficulty by the brain: the ability to learn new information indeed it comes compromised. You may also have difficulty recognizing places or faces. Rarer are the cases where the brain unconsciously invents false memories to fill memory gaps. Those who experience amnesia generally still retain motor skills and fluency in whatever language they speak.

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A slight difficulty in remembering information is unfortunately normal in people of a certain age – tantasalute.it

Sometimes, memory leak can be related to states of dementia. People with dementia usually they lose the most recent memories first and they keep older memories longer. To lose older memories, widespread brain degeneration, caused for example by Alzheimer’s disease, is required.

Even a major decrease in oxygen levels over an extended period can affect the entire brain and lead to memory loss. This condition is called anossia. If the anoxia isn’t severe enough to cause brain damage, memory loss can be temporary.

I head trauma, as well as strokes, cancers and infections, can also cause damage to the brain. This damage can include permanent memory issues. The concussions they commonly interrupt memories of the hours, days, or weeks before and after the injury.

Memory loss can also be associated with an addiction to alcoholic beverages. L’alcohol abuse in the long run it can cause Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, a brain disorder that leads to progressive memory loss.

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