Home » Anti-heat foods, what to prefer at the table in the heat

Anti-heat foods, what to prefer at the table in the heat

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Anti-heat foods, what to prefer at the table in the heat

There are some foods that, if eaten in abundance during the summer, can help counteract the incessant heat.

Summer started less than a month ago, but the temperatures are already scorching. It is difficult for the human body to tolerate such heat. Air conditioners and fans can help, however, they are not always enough to feel better.

An aid not to be underestimated comes from nutrition. In this period, more than ever, it is essential to follow a balanced diet, without excess fat and sugar.

The tendency to drink sweet drinks, perhaps left in the freezer for a few hours, is understandable, but there are alternatives that can help to effectively combat the discomfort experienced. These are foods within everyone’s reach, which can be purchased in any grocery store or prepared with easily available ingredients.

Stop the heat thanks to nutrition: foods to taste

The body needs certain nutrients to perform all its functions. They come from food which, during the summer period, must be treated very carefully. One of the most consumed foods is ice cream. Packaged ones should be avoided due to the numerous additives, while artisanal ones are a better choice.

The refreshing taste is able to give an immediate burst of energy, however, it must be remembered that, a few minutes after consumption, an increase in overheating could be triggered. The same thing goes for smoothies and milkshakes. None of these foods should be demonized, the important thing is not to overdo it.

Foods to eat in summer – tantasalute.it

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Standing in front of the stove in this heat is not ideal. For this reason, you can opt for a quick dish to eat a couple of times a week, especially at lunch. To be healthy, it must contain the right amount of protein. Tuna, speck, bresaola, eggs, tuna, cucumber, salmon and mackerel are perfect for feeling better immediately.

The importance of potassium and magnesium should never be underestimated. Both are essential for the functioning of the muscles and the cognitive system. Sweat, however, can make you lose more mineral salts than expected. One way to effectively replenish them, in addition to drinking plenty of water, is to consume bananas, citrus fruits, vegetables and dried fruit.

In case all these remedies do not help block the heat wave, you can try preparing a cold infusion of spices and vegetables. There are many variations available, but each of them hides a regenerating and surprising taste. You just have to choose the combination of ingredients that best suits your needs.

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