Home » Apple’s green turning point also affects Italian suppliers. Push on recycled materials

Apple’s green turning point also affects Italian suppliers. Push on recycled materials

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Apple’s green turning point also affects Italian suppliers.  Push on recycled materials

In an official note, Apple announced that its suppliers have more than doubled their clean energy use in the past year, with more than 10 gigawatts operating today out of a total of nearly 16 gigawatts they have committed to in the coming years. In 2021, these renewable projects avoided the emission of 13.9 million tons of carbon emissions. Projects active today will support greenhouse gas reductions equivalent to removing 3 million cars from the road in one year.

The company also released new details about the increase in recycled materials in its products: it introduced certified recycled gold for the first time and more than doubled the use of recycled tungsten, rare earths and cobalt. Nearly 20% of all materials used in Apple products in 2021 were recycled.

The Cupertino company has put the environmental problem at the top of its priorities. And to date, 213 of the major partners involved in the production of iPhones and other Apple products have committed to power all Apple production with renewable electricity in 25 countries.

The dozens of new commitments announced in recent hours help accelerate progress towards Apple’s 2030 goal of becoming carbon neutral across its supply chain.

“We are proud that so many of our production chain partners share our urgency to address the climate crisis by committing to generate more renewable energy around the world,” said Lisa Jackson, vice president of Environment, Policy, and Social Initiatives at Apple. – Clean energy is good for companies and the planet. By sharing what we have learned ourselves in our transition to renewable energy, we are helping pave the way to a greener future. “

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