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Are eggs fattening or not? How to eat them

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Are eggs fattening or not?  How to eat them

The answer to the question: do eggs make you fat or not? Many people ask themselves this question and don’t know how many to take, let’s see how things stand.

Are eggs fattening? This question affects more people than you might think and it would be really useful to investigate the question and have certain answers about it. Just as it is useful to know exactly the recommended quantity per week.

Eggs on a table (Photo Canva – Ricettasprint.it)

From many quarters we hear that, yes, “eggs make you fat”. But who is to say that? And based on what? There are even those who point out that they are carriers of cholesterol as well as too rich in calories. But the truth is that eggs are not fattening. Especially if taken in the right measure.

For example, they shouldn’t be eaten every day, except in special cases such as a protein diet which in any case should only be applied for a certain period. If anything, it is recommended to take 4 eggs a week, which have a total amount of 360 calorie30 grams of protein and about the same amount of fat.

Are eggs fattening? No, in the right amount

Fats which among other things are the good ones, monounsaturated, typical for example of olive oil. The intake of eggs without side effects is then optimized by a varied diet, capable of changing a lot and thus supplying all the nutrients we need.

Some eggs arranged in a fabric container (Photo Canva – Ricettasprint.it)

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Finally, with regard to cooking eggs, the advice is obviously to avoid fried foods which are rich in fat and to lean instead towards boiled, hard-boiled or poached eggs.

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These are more than healthy choices that will have beneficial effects on our body already in the short term. And as much for the intake of eggs as for that of others, it is always necessary to pay the right attention.

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Balance is needed precisely in order not to run into contraindications. For the rest, a correct intake of eggs is essential since they represent an excellent source of protein.

And equally important is knowing how to keep them properly. Otherwise the risk is that of favoring the emergence of bacterial contamination. In the case of this natural product, a custom is represented by Salmonella.

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