Home » Attention this common summer fruit, when combined with these drugs brings unpleasant contraindications

Attention this common summer fruit, when combined with these drugs brings unpleasant contraindications

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Often when it comes to nutrition, many of us do not pay adequate attention to the subject. Often, in fact, some elements can interfere with the therapies that we take regularly or that we have to take for the first time. We must be on the alert: be careful, this common summer fruit, when combined with these drugs, brings unpleasant contraindications. Let’s find out together when it is possible and when it cannot be consumed.

First, let’s make a clarification. To be able to feel calm about any medicine, you must first consult your GP and read the leaflet. In this way we can be totally calm about the potential side effects.

Attention this common summer fruit, when combined with these drugs brings unpleasant contraindications

Today, however, we are talking about a specific case, namely pineapple, which can interfere if combined with anti-inflammatory or antiplatelet drugs. At least according to when several specialized magazines report.

It is also not recommended to take this fruit if you suffer from hypertension because it could cause agitation or an increase in heartbeat. Finally, it is not recommended for women who wish to start or continue a pregnancy. There would, in fact, be a possible, albeit small, risk of uterine haemorrhages.

With what medicines it is better not to eat pineapple

Let’s make a small list for clarity. According to various scientific publications, pineapple should not be taken when following therapies that include these types of active ingredients and medicines. Here they are immediately listed:

  • NSAIDs, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • warfarin;
  • heparin.
See also  Headaches and confusion could be symptoms of this unexpected problem that could affect us especially in the summer

Inside, in fact, there is bromelain, an enzyme that has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties. It therefore helps to deflate and decrease inflammation and the consequent pain caused by them.

For this reason it is not recommended for patients with liver problems and for those who have problems with blood clotting.

If, on the other hand, you want to know the beneficial action of another kind of food, we recommend clicking the link below.


This delicious seasonal fruit prevents aging and fights free radicals

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)

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