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AUSL | Communication and press

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07/10/2023 – Success for the Parma stage of “Keep your heart in shape”, the cardiovascular prevention event organized by Emilia Romagna region in collaboration with the health authorities of Parma in Piazza Garibaldi today from 10am to 6pm.

They were hundreds of citizens who were able to carry out free check-ups and cardiovascular risk maps with healthcare professionals, in addition to consultations with cardiologists in the stands and clinics set up on the equipped mobile clinic.

“We want to invest more and more in prevention to identify diseases and risk factors in the population as soon as possible – explained the regional councilor for health policies, Raffaele Donini -, for whom individual behavior and attention to correct lifestyles make the difference”.

Throughout the day, services such as the determination of lipid levels, the detection of the main vital parameters, the screening of asymptomatic atrial fibrillation, tests which allowed hundreds of people to evaluate with doctors the level of cardiovascular riskthanks to a final personalized counseling by the cardiologist.

“With this initiative organized by the Region – added the extraordinary commissioner of the Ausl and general director of the University Hospital Massimo Fabiwe wanted to be as close as possible to citizens because early prevention and correct lifestyles can help avoid cardiovascular diseases”.

The event was made possible thanks to the support of the Municipality of Parma, as well as the collaboration of Iren for the operation of the mobile clinic.

“The municipal administration has an important role in the health sector and is therefore particularly favorable to initiatives like today’s – claimed the mayor of Parma, Michele Guerradove the full value of the public health system is demonstrated once again, for which we firmly support the Region in all initiatives, including legislative ones, in its defense”.

In addition to the mobile clinic, in Piazza Garibaldi many Parma residents turned to the information gazebos where health professionals, cardiologists and doctors from the Public Health Department, provided any useful information on good practices for a correct lifestyle and heart health. This year too, the initiative was enriched by the presence of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation instructors from the Bios Center of the University Hospital who made mannequins and defibrillators available for practical exercises.

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