Home » Average Penis Length: Has increased by 24% over the past 30 years. But that’s not good news

Average Penis Length: Has increased by 24% over the past 30 years. But that’s not good news

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Average Penis Length: Has increased by 24% over the past 30 years.  But that’s not good news

The average length of the penis in humans it seems to have elongatedon average, about three centimeters. Let’s talk specifically about the average length of the penis during the erectionwhich, according to one meta-analysis carried out on the data relating to 75 studies conducted between 1942 and 2021, it moved on to measure the average about 15 centimeters, against 12 30 years ago. The studies analyzed involved a total of 55,761 men aged 17 or over. The results of the meta-analysis, conducted by a group of researchers led by Michael Eisenberg, professor of urology at Stanford Medicine, were published in The Journal of Men’s Health. “The increase in the size of the male genitalia – commented Alessandro Palmieri, president of SIA (Italian Society of Andrology), on the data reported in this study – could be another indicator of the impact of environmental factors, such as exposure to pollutants or an increase in unhealthy lifestyles”.

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The motivations of the study

The research group asked itself the question starting from the numerous studies which, especially in recent years, have concerned the theme of male reproductive health: “Many studies – racconta Eisenberg- examined changes in men’s reproductive health. For example, the sperm count eh testosterone levels I am down long since”. In fact, the progressive reduction in sperm count seems to be an established fact, as well as of global interest, so much so that it has led to the generation of a specific term: the “spermocalypse”. “Another measure we’ve seen reported in some men’s health research – goes on – it is the length of the penis, which no one has ever analyzed in a systematic way”. That’s why Eisenberg and colleagues felt it was important to address it. The research team has excluded studies based on self-measurement or that reported measurements taken following major pelvic surgery. Moreover, they have been selected only research papers reporting data on a sample of at least 10 participants aged 17 or over. According to Eisenberg, it is crucial that these results are confirmed by further studies and that the scientific community is committed to investigate possible causes that underlie these changes. One of the researcher’s hypotheses is exposure to pollutants that could interfere with our hormonal and endocrine systems.

The possible causes

I study – explains Palmieri – it does not give us any indication as to the possible repercussions of this stretch on the health of the male reproductive system e further investigations and insights will be needed”. He too, like Eisenberg, points out that theexposure to polluting factors could “disrupt the functioning of the endocrine systemalso structurally modifying the male reproductive system”. In general, expert opinion seems to agree on the need to monitor this parameter over time and further investigate possible causes: “I study – concludes Palmieri – suggests the importance of investigating and evaluating the repercussions of environmental factors on male sexual and reproductive health, to which Sia has always devoted much attention both from an educational and scientific point of view”. The authors of the study in question also claim that it is It is important to monitor such changes also in the pediatric population and in female reproductive organs.

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