Home » Bad weather in Emilia-Romagna, Sergio Mattarella calls Bonaccini

Bad weather in Emilia-Romagna, Sergio Mattarella calls Bonaccini

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Bad weather in Emilia-Romagna, Sergio Mattarella calls Bonaccini

Bad weather drama in Emilia-Romagna. The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, telephoned the governor, Stefano Bonaccini, to express closeness and solidarity with the communities affected by the emergency and condolences for the victims. At least 9 died from the wave that also hit the Marche and Tuscany. A meeting of the Council of Ministers has been called for next Tuesday. The prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, is constantly following the evolution of the situation and from Anchorage, Alaska – where she was for a technical stopover on her way to the G7 meeting in Hiroshima in Japan – she participated in a point of the Operations Committee via videoconference of the civil defence. “The government is there, alongside the affected populations and the institutions in the area”, Meloni’s words during the connection with the head of the Civil Protection, Fabrizio Curcio, who updated her on the critical issues in the area.

And new emergency measures are taking shape on the model of Ischia. “The proposal that I will bring to the next CDM is for an additional resource destined for Emilia-Romagna for 20 million euros,” said Musumeci at the press conference. He resources that are added “to the 10 million that had been allocated last May 4”. For her part, after the summit at the Civil Protection headquarters in Rome, the Minister of Labour, Marina Elvira Calderone, spoke of a “reasoning on social safety nets for what are particular situations and categories of workers, for example temporary workers determined in the agricultural sector. “Our goal – Calderone clarified – is to secure work and above all the companies and workers of the territories affected by the events we are talking about today”. You are studying the possibility of deferring the obligations and the deadline for payment of social security contributions only after “a careful reconnaissance precisely to be specific and to identify and clearly outline the interventions within the decree”.

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For his part, the Deputy Minister of the Economy, Maurizio Leo, announced “the authorization to defer” mortgage installments. And not only. “The deadlines for payments and tax obligations will be suspended – added Leo – both for natural persons and for more complex structures”. After which the Minister of Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida, made it known that “a snapshot of the real damage” to the agricultural world “is not possible with respect to the events that have occurred, they must be verified in a timely manner and resources must be used without wasting a euro”. The goal is “to be able to arrive at a decree on Tuesday that is effective immediately”. The Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio, then launched the proposal of the “postponement of civil and criminal hearings, the abolition of the terms for contractual obligations, for the fulfillment of bills of exchange and all deeds having executive force”.

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