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beliefs without any scientific basis

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beliefs without any scientific basis

The idea of incompatible food combinations has been circulating on social media, but experts are warning that these claims are not based on scientific evidence. According to hygienists, certain food combinations should be avoided in order to maintain good digestion, but these claims have been debunked by experts.

One of the banned combinations is proteins and proteins. The theory is that different protein foods require specific enzymes for digestion, but the truth is that the enzymes that degrade proteins are the same, regardless of the protein source. Therefore, this combination does not pose any digestive difficulties.

Another myth is the combination of carbohydrates and proteins. Hygienists argue that eating a first course and a second course with proteins and starches would create digestive issues, but experts have clarified that the enzymes that degrade proteins and starches work in different environments and do not interfere with each other.

The idea of avoiding watermelon after a first course and bananas with fish is also unfounded, according to experts. There is no scientific basis for the claim that these combinations lead to digestive problems.

Furthermore, the belief that eating fruit with lunch leads to weight gain due to fermentation processes has been debunked as well.

Overall, the concept of incompatible food combinations has been discredited by experts as a set of practices with no scientific basis. Lucilla Titta, coordinator of the Smartfood program at the Ieo-European Institute of Oncology, has reviewed and dismissed these claims. Itā€™s important to consult with qualified nutritionists and experts for accurate and evidence-based information on dietary practices.

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