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Beware of this widespread disease which could cause serious workplace injuries

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The important thing is health. This is what we often respond to when asked “How are you doing?” and we don’t want to go too far. A sentence perhaps obvious but truthful. Not just because being healthy allows us to fully enjoy the good things in life.

Being fit also makes us more productive, at home and at work. When health is lacking, the concern for oneself and for the pursuit of one’s goals increases.

A series of events and situations that can be hindered by more or less serious disorders. Health is therefore important, but also the economic and social aspects connected to certain diseases.

Beware of this widespread disease which could cause serious workplace injuries

According to a report drawn up by INAIL it is necessary to pay particular attention to this widespread pathology which could cause serious accidents at work.

We are talking about the Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS), a rather frequent but little diagnosed sleep disorder. It consists in the partial or complete closure of the airways during sleep, with episodes of short duration interspersed with phases in which breathing resumes regularly.

This pathology most frequently affects men between the ages of 40 and 80, and is favored by factors such as obesity, cigarette smoking and a sedentary lifestyle. In its most severe form, sleep apnea syndrome can have serious consequences for health and also for performance in the workplace. The most serious risk in this sense is that of being involved even in serious injuries; let’s see why.

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The correlation between sleep apnea, performance and work-related injuries

Sleep apnea has a number of consequences and symptoms that occur not only in sleep, but also throughout the day.

Poor oxygenation of the brain and organs during the night causes disorders, such as drowsiness and chronic fatigue, which can compromise productivity and work performance. Not only direct health costs, therefore, linked to diagnosis and treatment, but also indirect social costs, linked to low productivity and absenteeism and more.

Apparently, symptoms related to poor sleep quality can lead to workplace injuries and accidents. This is why it is important to diagnose this pathology early, by contacting specialists.

It will be up to them to assess the degree and severity and possibly intervene with oxygen therapies or the use of a C-PAP. However, we always remember that a correct lifestyle and a careful diet help to avoid many diseases, even disabling ones, that can occur in adulthood.

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