Home » Black, brown, yellow: what causes stains on teeth and how to prevent them

Black, brown, yellow: what causes stains on teeth and how to prevent them

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Black, brown, yellow: what causes stains on teeth and how to prevent them

What are the causes and possible remedies against stains on teeth? Here’s what to do to prevent them from ruining your smile a priori.

I teeth, as well as hands and other parts of the body, are one of a person’s business cards. A white, bright and healthy-looking smile gives a well-groomed image and certainly helps to instill confidence. Obviously, the question also concerns health: teeth that present blemishes such as staines they are the spy of problems that should never be underestimated.

Stains on teeth can have different origins, depending on which the doctor will opt for a certain treatment: they can hide exogenous causes (external), i.e. linked to the superficial layer of the enamel on which some substances act, or endogenous (internal), linked to imbalances in the deepest layer of enamel.

Stains on teeth: types and triggering factors

First of all, we must keep in mind what are the elements that favor the formation of these imperfections: a diet rich in sugars, carbonated drinks, acidic and pigmented foods, smoking, poor cleanliness, medicines, supplements, tooth decay or even hereditary factors are the main causes of the stains.

What do stains on teeth come from and what to do to prevent them from appearing (TantaSalute.it)

My: are caused by bacteria called chromogens, which produce sulfur-based substances. These, by binding with others, such as iron, form the spots on the surface layer of the enamel, very often between one tooth and another or between tooth and gum. The only solution to eliminate them is theablation propractice performed in a dental office.

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Gray: this type of spots derives from the antibiotics taken during pregnancy by one’s mother or during the very first years of life. They cannot be eliminated, but only lightened with professional bleaching.

Brown: usually depend on the use of chlorhexidine-based mouthwashes or loss of fluoride. The doctor will determine the exact cause and proceed to remove it with professional tools.

Yellow: coffee, tea, cigarettes, poor oral cleaning are habits to avoid if you want to prevent this type of stain. However, since these are imperfections of external origin, they can be corrected with the intervention of the dentist.

White: generally caused by caries, vitamin D deficiency, excess fluoride intake or antibiotics during childhood or by trauma to the milk teeth, therefore from endogenous causes and therefore difficult to eliminate completely. However, improvements are possible by making the enamel surrounding the stains more similar to them in order to obtain a more homogeneous result in terms of colour.

The prevention of these problems should already start in the mother’s womb, because the buds are formed in the baby even before it is born. It is also essential to get the little ones used to brushing their teeth regularly, not to eat too many sugary foods and not to drink too many fizzy drinks or fruit juices (they are acidic). This obviously also applies to adults who should also:

stop smoking, eat plenty of crunchy fruit and vegetables after drinking coffee, chew gum or rinse your mouth with water.

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